Project Week CAS Reflection LO2 Challenge

Project week was my anticipated event of IB; unfortunately, it was cancelled due to COVID-19 measures, but it was most definitely still a great learning opportunity. Originally in the initial investigation, I knew I wanted to do something I felt very passionate about – this was going to be most likely a form of Activity. For the sign-up, I was lucky to have four friends who also were thinking the same way. We were interested in doing a range of activity, which eventually became a mix of rafting, hiking, and camping. In our preparation, we were forced to realise early on that the only way we would be able to do all these activities was if we actually put the work in. A lot of late-night calls and arguments later, and we eventually got a decent plan down. We became aware that under the limitations of the trip (budget, time, etc) and variables outside of our control, doing a trip that just consisted of these activities would not be possible. As such, we recognized the sacrifices we would have to make in order to successfully have a trip. Reflecting back on the experience, I wish we had grounded a more detailed plan of what we wanted the trip to be earlier on, which would have saved frantic planning later on. To consolidate my understanding, I have grown from this experience by learning first-hand the value of significant pre-planning and the vast variables one has to consider before going on a trip.

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