Thoughts on IGCSE Drama

I think my scripted performance for IGCSE was pretty successful – I believe it was a good performance – there was a lot of energy, and I think it had a pretty quick pace. I thought the dynamic between the three characters worked very well; especially in the later scenes, as each of them are coming from different perspectives and they all want different things. I think if I were to do it again I would have put more work in at the beginning of the devising process, as I feel the performance wasn’t complete until a lesson or two before we performed it. I think theĀ thing I did that I want to change is that I focused heavily on the first two or three scenes, and make sure they are great and quick, but end up with not much else. For my devisedĀ and monologue pieces, I want to get the groundwork done for each part immediately, and then I build upon that later on the process. All in all, I think this has been a great learning experience, and I am very proud of what I have achieved.

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