Extended Essay R3

I enjoyed researching and writing this EE. With reference to my original plan, I was able to partially accomplish my goals. Although I hit all the required points, I was not able to analyse 2 common map projections due to the restricted word count, as my supervisor predicted. If I had done this, I would have had a more robust conclusion by being able to compare the Mercator projection to another standard map. Regarding the conclusion, I was not able to reach an absolute synthesis due to the vast differences between the mapping methods. However, it made me question the role of mathematical beauty and how to weigh this against practicality. My supervisor later found a few mathematical errors in my EE (regarding capitalisation). Although they didn’t render my conclusions incorrect, they marginally impeded with the cohesiveness of the essay. This process has taught me the importance of being succinct without sacrificing the completeness of knowledge. Initially I skipped steps in my derivation in my proofs, assuming the reader would have all the required knowledge. Upon reviewing my essay, I realised how this was detrimental to its flow. This (along with LaTeX) is a skill I will utilise in my future mathematical endeavours in university.

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