Oral Exam (Internal Assessment)

This page provides valuable information on the oral exam (internal assessment), so that students will know what to expect and how to plan their time when the exam begins.

The oral exam will be a minimum of 12 minutes and a maximum of 15 minutes.
Preparation time: 20 minutes


1. The student will be given 20 minutes to prepare a presentation. They will be given two extracts (of 200 to 300 words), one from each of the two literary works studied during the course. The student will be given a piece of blank paper and may make up to (but no more than) 10 bullet points on the paper from which to plan the spoken presentation. It is strongly advised that the student not try to write the presentation text on the paper, as it will waste valuable time and will no demonstrate fluent spoken English.

2. The student will move from the preparation room to the examination room and begin the presentation. The presentation must be 3 to 4 minutes. The teacher will not speak at this time. During the presentation section, the student should:
– summarize the extract
– briefly relate the extract to the literary work as a whole
– express opinions on the events, ideas, messages and themes of the extract itself. This is the most important part of the presentation and the student should concentrate most of the presentation on this portion.

3. The next step is the follow-up discussion. In this portion of the oral, the teacher will begin to speak with the student. The majority of this conversation will be on the content of the extract and the presentation and should expand on the student’s observations. The student should:
– interpret and evaluate the extract
– discuss connections and comparisons
– demonstrate their knowledge of inter-cultural knowledge

4. The final part of the oral exam is the General Discussion. This will break from the discussion about the extract. It will start with one or more of the unit themes in the course (Identities, Experiences, Human Ingenuity, Social Interaction and Sharing the Planet). This portion of the exam requires the student to demonstrate their interactive skills and may cover a range of topics within the five units. This marks the end of the oral exam.

Preparation 20 min
Exam 12 to 15 min
Presentation 3 – 4 min
Follow-up discussion 4 – 5 min
General discussion 5 – 6 min
TOTAL 32 to 35 minutes

Points to Remember:
1. The 12 – 15 minute exam will be recorded and sent to the IB.
2. At no point can the recording be stopped or the exam restarted.
3. A student who arrives late will lose that time from the preparation session.
4. No phones or electronic devices will be allowed.
5. The examiner will use a stopwatch to determine and display the time.
6. The criteria should very familiar to the student, so that they know exactly how they will be assessed. The are attached here.

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