Academic Vocabulary and Discourse

On the previous page (Academic Sentence Frames) we discussed how to empower students to write meaningful sentences based on course command terms. This leads us to another discussion on Academic Vocabulary and Discourse, the title of this page.

It is important to remember that the vocabulary of any subject makes up the building blocks of academic writing and expression (and even understanding). To hold those bricks together, the mortar we use is Academic Discourse, the syntax and structure of sentences, paragraphs and full text types in order to appropriately discuss academic topics in an academic way.

ACADEMIC VOCABULARY can be said to incorporate:
– explicit teaching
– direct instruction
– visuals (word walls, student work, etc)
– introduction and clarification of new words

ACADEMIC DISCOURSE can be said to incorporate:
– modelling word forms
– sentence frames (see the page on Academic Sentence Frames)
– graphic organizers and discussion based on them
– use of appropriate register (see the next page on Increasing Register)
– paired or group discussion
– oral presentations with linked discussion or Q & A
– structured and open-ended discussions
– modelling and explicit instruction on text types

Find 6 strategies for teaching vocabulary linked HERE

Armed with strategies for teaching vocabulary, a bank of academic sentence forms and an understanding of the links between vocabulary and discourse, you are well equipped to be the teacher who makes high school curriculum accessible and enjoyable for the students who need it most.