Portfolios as a focus for your 2017-18 PLP?

Interested in starting a portfolio or extending your use of this tool?

The Portfolio Workshop Series will be a tri-weekly activity for teachers this year.  The “workshops” will be tailored to your level and can be “attended” online or in person.  The series will kick off this October, and will run through until April.

How have other educators found meaning in this practice?

“Personally, I realized that the time I take to sit down and reflect on what I do, what I read, or what I observe has really helped my own path as an educator and an administrator.  Sometimes, for my own clarification, I go back and read my own blog to look at what I have done and how I can continuously work on it to improve. This transparent way of learning is something that I believe can not only improve the teaching profession as a whole…, but is something that could really improve learning for our students.”- George Couros

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“I’ve yet to hear anyone who has stuck with blogging suggest it’s been anything less than essential to their growth and improvement.” – Dean Shareski

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“It made me appreciate the value of a dynamic, growing, inspiring and supportive online PLN.  It made me realise that I am part of a huge community of learners, who wrestle with the same issues as I do and strive towards the same goals.”- Edna Sackson

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Signup by completing this google form by Sept 30th.


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