Which apps should we experiment with in Mentor time?

Which apps should we experiment with in Mentor time?

The podcast that this information is based on talks about types of weird apps and how the community has been using apps. I think that we should because there are apps that can help you (are there to help you) such as study apps. These apps can help you to become a better person such as the app called microbe which is designed to stop you from going on your phone for too long. I think that it is important to study apps because they are there and they are a very big tool base. There are apps to help you with just about everything in day to day life. I think to experience the app you can better understand it and this may bring closer or further away from the idea. There are some apps though that might not be as helpful such as the app that sends you notifications that you are going to die. Repeating do it or trying to fit it into your daily life is also a great way to get a full experience of what you can do the apps. I think that a great question about practicing apps in class is that how can we also stop ourselves from becoming too reliant on apps. Apps are helpful but sometimes you think that getting the app will solve the problems and you don’t have to do anything, you also have to note that you the person is also a major contribution to your own success.

Podcast came from https://www.theguardian.com/technology/audio/2018/mar/09/when-death-pings-chips-with-everything-podcast

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One Reply to “Which apps should we experiment with in Mentor time?”

  1. Hi Arthur,

    Your post now has me wondering whether the ‘usefulness’ of an app is based strictly on how well it has been designed OR if it depends on the user. One of my favorite apps is Goodreads–but I know for others they may not find it quite as useful. I am now wondering if apps are actually being better designed, or if we are just more accustomed to seeking them out?
    Great questions,
    Ms. Friedman

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