PSE Reflection

1. Self Reflection- What were some of the most interesting discoveries you made about yourself through the Myers Briggs and Holland Code tests? How has your planning for the future changed or stayed the same during this unit?

I have done several times of 16personality tests before and every time the outcome is showing that I am a mediator- INFP, which means introvert, intuitive, feeling, and prospecting. I was confused and unacceptable when I did the test for the first time because I thought the person they described is not me at all. I thought it was because I used English and there are some Language influentials in it. But I have done it several times in different periods after that and it was always the same. I began to accept the result and starting to observe myself and realized that it actually kind of fits me. The Myers’ Briggs showed the same outcome and it was just another opportunity that made me self aware about who I am. My planning for the future also stayed the same during the unit. I am more aware of myself now and that allowed me to be more firm with my future currently.

2. Self Advocacy- Professional relationships. Name two or three important skills you learned about maintaining positive professional relationships and how will you use them in the future.

One of the important things I learned is definitely that it is important to reply to people’s emails or messages as soon as possible. I am quite procrastinating and sometimes I like to escape from messages that I don’t know how to reply to. After this unit, I realized it is really impolite and would really influence the relationship bank account between the two of us. I learned it would be good if I saw an email when I am busy I can just reply and saying I will pop up soon back.

3. Informed decisions- Thinking about your future 5, 10, or 15 years from now, what are some themes/aspects of life that you want to keep central to your planning? What are some key values that will drive your decision making?

The key values that are important are authentically and empathy. I hope these are the two qualities that I can keep forever and I hope I still own them when I reckon at any time. The key value when I make decisions is to follow my heart and only do things that I want. I want to keep the ability to say no to others as well.

CAS Blog (PSE)

1. Reflect on your successes from the first half term of the year.  What things have you done well in terms of taking care of your wellness and academic growth?

Looking to the past, I couldn’t believe that I have already finished my first and a half month of my grade 11 and I felt really proud of myself. I have been worried about IB during the summer but I think I am doing ok so far, probably it is because the busiest time haven’t come yet. I do think there is a academic growth this year because I started to worry about my grades and all the academic performance, and I have been put this worries into the power of putting efforts. Because I have a goal to achieve in subjects, I started to preview and review of my Biology classes and I started to work harder before the exams. I can see the differences on me comparing to last year. Even though there are more pressures and anxious on me now but I think I have transferred them well into the impetus of going forward.

In the other way, because most of the subjects I chose this year is what I really loved and enjoyed, I always have a good mood in school.

2. There is always room for improvement in everything that we do.  In the second half of the term what actions will you take to improve your wellness and academic growth?

Even though I had a nice experience in school this year, I think I slept too late in the evening and that has influenced my performance in school to some extent. In the second half of the term, I would ask my mom to suervise me to sleep earlier so I can be more energetic and have a better mood in school.

3. What have you learned about yourself in PSE?

I think I have learned a lot about myself in PSE. Whenever we need to reflect ourselves weather on the four directions or the mood board, I always thought I learned myself more. From the known to me but not to others activity, in order to do the tasks, I noticed a lot of my own habits that I didn’t realize in the past. Such as the bad direction-sense and the bad tying skills I own. From the mohair window, I also learned that I am a person that focus on caring in a group. I used to thought I can’t really support in a group as I am always transparent in group discussions or group works, but now I realized that I have my own values that I always take care of other people’s feelings because I am a person that can emphasize extremely easily and I want everyone can have a good mood during the time. I would sacrifice myself in the sake of the group but would confide to friends after that. I hate to be like that but seems like I can’t control it.

TOK Practice- To what extent is objectivity possible in the production or acquisition of knowledges?

To what extent is objectivity possible in the production or acquisition of knowledges?

I chose the stopwatch as my object for this prompt.

As a object to count time and as a scientific equipment, stopwatch is a fairly objective since it is working in the same mechanism all the time. However, there are also limitations that when people manipulate it errors are possible to appear. 

TOK- Production of scientific knowledges, shared knowledges and the new theme

Read this article on the production of scientific knowledge, shared knowledge  and the new knowledge and technology theme ( Write a response outlining the benefits and the challenges of knowledge production in the scenario outlined in the article.

The production of scientific knowledge has been well demonstrated in this piece of article when the novel coronavirus appeared accidentally and suddenly and then transfixed in the whole world thus a series of chain knowledges has been then produced by this. Around the pandemics, a great deal of new knowledges has been created. While the COVID-19 pandemics itself is already the production of scientific knowledge by the nature world and the ecosystem, the vaccine that scientists seek to create, the values of extreme measure such as quarantines and the controlling of spreads of virus are all par of the production of scientific knowledges in this scenario.

Shared knowledge is when particular knowledges are public and open to all the population. For example, in the topic, a group of Chinese researchers has published the genetic sequence of new virus through the website for all scientists from all over the world to start to developing diagnostic tests and explore treatment. A group of Germany researchers also published details of diagnostic tests soon after. The sharing of knowledge could help the globe to accelerate the speed of finding the solutions of this global issues. 

The new technology and knowledges theme

TOK Practice- Objects Exhibition

Does some knowledge belong only to particular communities of knowers?


Tung Shing is a Chinese traditional calendar that is made based on the Chinese lunar years primarily. It is a divination guide and also an almanac so people constantly use it to find a suitable date before attending and holding important events. Wedding ceremonies and funerals could be use as an example that most of the Chinese would use Tung Shing to choose a suitable date for them. This represents the belief of Chinese people in divinations and it has gradually become a custom now.

Tung shing shows certain distinct knowledges and belief that doesn’t shared among all the population. It is only applicable to particular Chinese native speakers who has a deep understandings on Chinese culture, which is a small range of people has been severed to. Starting from the language, these types of knowledges are less open to interpretations to foreigners. People started to use Tung Shing from the ancient China and as a guide for agriculture at the time so it is still popular in the rural areas of China but not in the city nowadays anymore. It is also commonly used for Feng shui practitioners and destiny diviners so it is also limited to the communities who has the knowledge on this particular area. The knowledges of feng shui is very limited to particular population.

This is a Chinese authentic snack called spicy gluten sticks that is made of bean curd and flour. The price was really low in the past that one pack only costs 5 cents SGD, so it is popular among the student population. The rich tastes is another reason why it is popular in schools and is able to represent many of the Chineses’ childhood and school life, including mine. This snack goes to extremes that almost every Chinese know it but is rarely known by the foreigners and people who doesn’t live in China. It is well known to Chinese because everyone had school life and the taste and price made it popular. It is very unhealthy at the same time so usually it is not the product to export. It is the knowledges that particularly belongs to the Chinese community.

In the other hand, Spicy gluten sticks was first debuted in the 1990s, hence it is a knowledge that doesn’t belong to the elders who doesn’t have the accessibility to it in their childhood at the time. It belongs to the younger generation as Millennials and generation Z.


Crest Project Reflection- STEM


  • How my project was successful/not successful -e.g. What went well and what didn’t

While my product includes both parts of the sound over and the slides, I have to write down the script of sound over and make the slides. The script was the most important part as it struggled me a lot because I need to do a lot of research about my topic since I only had a vague impression of data protection before the project. It was hard for me to decide the most suitable product to investigate and research for this project as well since there are many options. I wasn’t display the time management skills well in this project. I procrastinate quite much in the beginning state as I thought I will be able to catch up on later in this long term project. The things went well is the recording part and the slides I did. There wasn’t many hesitation while I tried to make a beautiful and clear slides that the audience can understand and be attracted easily.

  • What have I learned through this whole process? – science and personal skills

For personal skills, I learned how to evaluate sources from credibility, timeliness, utility and many other aspects. Besides, I learned to use the UWC find to find a source of my choice & record it in APA format even though I did not use ultimately. For the science aspect, I have learned that there are countless methods for third parties to access our information both accessible from phones and computers. For example on computer Browsers and websites can share or sell our information to third parties and through the IP address that every computer owns, our geological address could be revealed. I also learned that our privacy is used in many areas but especially for targeted advertising and scientific research. Last but not least, by using Tor browser and VPN, the amount of information may disclosed could be controlled while there is no way for us to protect our privacy completely when dealing with ISPs.

  • What impact might the results of my project have on other people/the wider world?

I have spread out the awareness of the importance of data protection in my video. I hope through my video people can attaches great importance to data protection issue and start to stand out and speak for themselves. People voice can change many things and as long as it is heard by the government,  the laws for instance may have the chance to be fixed. I also addressed the lack of restrictions of user’s privacy in the US which hopped the Americans can be aware of that.

  • What I would have done to improve my work?

My conclusion was not very comprehensive because I didn’t look at the rubrics carefully before I submit my work which has also taught me a lesson. The driving question was not clear enough as well as it would be better if I mentioned “data protection” straightly in this question. I should also add more images in my slide so it is more visually appealing to my audience.

  • What I’d do to develop the project in the future?

I will keep focusing on this topic and keep sensitive to the privacy disclose issues in the future. I will also focus on the privacy policy and laws in the US in the future and join their campaigns or protest if it is feasible. I will share the idea about the privacy online with all of my relatives and friends as well and begin to make some impacts start from people around me.

Crest Project Reflection #1

I was struggling with the topic of this project for quite a long time because I wanted to discover what am I really interested in. My interest is always the priority however I didn’t find any topic that arts and design could connect with Crest. Hence I reflect what I spend most of my times on and I found internet should be a good topic-  internet is playing a very important roll nowadays that most of the people need it in their daily basis. Just like me, a very large amount of people use technology for most of their day. Then the idea of data protection came out from my mind- Is ours privacy being protected well in the virtual world? Are there any rules or laws that supervise them to keep it well? Therefore, I wanted to figure out the whole operating mode after we enter the information of credit card or id card in websites or in app through research. I was focusing on the big data aspect particularly at first since I want to investigate the ethics when it helps digital platform to comprehend people’s preferences easily and can share the data with many other platforms altogether. However my initial approach has changed to data protection through out research about this topic. No matter what, the goal of my project is to explore the ethical issues from the perspective of digital citizens. I was thinking about writing an essay to demonstrate my understandings immediately when discussing the presentation of the project however it sounds quite bored so I thought an online presentation with many visuals could catch the eyes of my audiences. My next step is to look up some documentaries and essays on authoritative websites so I will have an basic understanding towards data protection and if I need to make some changes on my project idea.

Science Class Crest Project: ‘Need to know Qs’

“These are questions that will need to be considered in order to complete the project”

Brainstorm possible “need to know” for the questions.

My project outline:

My “Need To Know Qs”:

  • Are we really safe on the internet?
  • To what extent information has been divulged?
  • Is it ethical that companies?
  • Are there any solutions to solve it?
  • How did the companies/firm/… shared ours information?
  • Why does big data always know what we like?