Reflection of the mandala essay in GPers class

Link of Mandala essay

During learning the identity unit in our Gpers classes, I’ve had a deeper understandings of what identity really means. I began to discover who I am by drawing a mandala that included 5 symbols which symbolized five characteristics that described myself well. The essay that explained my mandala is the first assignment in this class. I am satisfied with it as a good start, however there are a lot of issues that I could improve on.

I have learnt that every part of the essay counted when teacher is assigned works. I was run on a time when drawing the mandala which is shown in the drawing directly by rough lines and unevenly coloring. This was count on my communication and it was also a lapse of my self-management. For the symbols that I chose, there are two of them that is not very appropriate. It is also about my self management and communication since I didn’t ask for help when I knew that it has been hard for me to find one that connected well. I just waited until the last moment and forced to find a symbol. I had plenty of time to make it better but my hesitation caused troubles. In some parts of the essay, I didn’t get in depth and specific enough. However, I was able to write more on the essay since the words restrict are 1500 and I only wrote 1140 words. I have learned a lesson that it is important to write as much as the restrict words.

here are the take- away information I learned from this essay

  • Always write until reach the word count limit.
  • be careful to every parts of the assessment even the teach didn’t say it is graded it may count in the ATL.
  • Talk to the teacher or friends at the first time if there is any problems.
  • Start to do works earlier so there are plenty of time to revise and be able to ask for suggestions from others.
  • Read the essay with friends that use English as their first languages.