Birthday Robbery

It was my son’s birthday, we had gone to get ice cream for him. After we walked into the store the owner started to walk out the door but got pushed back inside by a man. My son tapped my arm and looked at me with a scared look on his face. Immediately I became worried for my son. He didn’t need to see this, especially on his birthday.

The man ran out of the store, and the owner followed him outside. As I looked out the door, the man ran away with his friend. I asked the worker behind the counter “what’s happening?” She said that she came out to serve a customer and saw a man taking something from behind the counter. She was about to say something to him when her boss walked out from the back and started yelling at the man.

The owner of the store came back inside just as my son and I was paying for his ice cream. He apologized to us and said: “that man took a few boxes of cigarettes from behind the counter and tried to walk out without paying. As soon as I saw him, I ran out and tried to get the boxes back but couldn’t.” He said he followed the people out of the shop to make sure they knew to never come back.

The owner then walked behind the counter and said: “on the house, I’m sorry for what you and your son just witnessed.”

(250 words)

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One thought on “Birthday Robbery

  1. How does narrative (storytelling) differ from description?
    Your story differs from just a description because you added dialogue which makes the characters come more to life.

    How is it more than just a series of events?.
    Your story is more than just a series of events because you have added dialogue and interaction between characters. You also didn’t just describe what we saw in the video. You gave the start of a backing story.

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