“I Be” – Final post


What’s above the waterline for me?

  • Race
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Skin colour
  • Nationality
  • Physical ability
  • Hobbies (above and below)

What’s below the waterline for me?

  • Hobbies (above and below)
  • Health (mental and physical)
  • Life experiences
  • Relationships
  • Views on other people/groups of people
  • Beliefs
  • Skills
  • Family status
  • Personality
  • Intelligence

Ideal Personality Types

I aligned most with the paying attention to detail personality type as I like to know as much information as possible before doing something. I think that this can be both a positive quality but sometimes it can be annoying to have. it can be a good thing when I am trying to plan something or to organise an event or something similar. However, it can be a negative quality to have when I am completing work as I always think that it can be better. I take so much time focusing on the small details when I should focus my time on the content.

Emotional Intelligence

Knowing when to say no is one thing that I would like to improve on. Especially when I am put in a situation like this face-to-face, I find it hard to say no to someone. Even if what they’re asking is unreasonable or something that I really don’t want to, it is difficult for me to tell them no. Another thing I want to improve on is to stop seeking perfection in everything. With many things that I do, whether it is school, sports etc. I always tend to want them to be perfect. This often means that I am stressed or too focused on things that don’t matter as much. I use my phone/laptop very often throughout the day even though I know that I need to reduce my time using electronics. Disconnecting from social media and various other things is something that I have always wanted to be better at.

Self Talk

I think that positive self-talk is important to be able to stay mentally healthy. If you are constantly telling yourself that you can’t do something, you will end up actually not being able to do it. If you tell yourself that you will try your hardest and that you can do it, there is a much higher chance that you will actually accomplish whatever it is that you want to do. Even if you do not do it well, you know that you tried your best and that you can learn from it. Self-talk is also important to motivate yourself to do things.


One thing that I do when I am stressed is procrastinating on any work or tasks that I have to do. This makes it really hard for me to get work done which makes me even more stress. Another thing that happens is that I get annoyed/angry very easily. I can get mad at my family over extremely small things when I am stressed.

Stress doesn’t always have to be bad. When I’m at a sports tournament, I get stressed throughout games. However, instead of it making me annoyed or have a negative impact on me, it builds up my adrenaline and makes me want to win the game even more. It helps me become more aggressive and think more strategically about the game.

Mental Health

One of the most important protective factors when dealing with stress and adversity is sports. When I play sports I put all my effort and thinking into it and it allows me to forget about whatever else is going on in my life. It also allows me to release stress and to exhaust all of my energy so that afterwards, I do not have the energy to be annoyed or stressed about whatever it was that I was stressed about. Another protective factor is my friends and family as I feel that I am able to share my stress/troubles with them. I trust them enough to help me through anything and that they will keep it to themselves.

What is the most important thing I learned personally?

The most important thing that I learnt is that I need to ask for help sometimes. There were many times when I tried to do things on my own even though I knew I probably wouldn’t be able to do it myself. Asking for help isn’t a bad thing and can be extremely helpful sometimes.

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