English – My Language World

Why do I speak as I do, and how does my language define me?

I speak the way I do because of how I have been brought up and who I interact with. I think that my family has influenced the way I talk as they are the people that I am around the most. I think that living in an international community impacts my language. My friends influence my language because they are from all around the world. Each of my friends speaks differently and with a different accent. After being around them for so long, I start to use words that they use or say words differently. My speaking is also influenced by my family. If I hear my parents say certain words around the house a lot, I start to use them as well and it become natural to use those words. My teachers have definitely influenced how I speak. I have had many American teachers so my accent now is a mix between Australian and American.

My language defines me because it is unique to me. All of the different people who have influenced my speech has made my own language unique. The way that I speak is very different to the way other people speak because of all the different people I have met and the experiences I have had.

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One thought on “English – My Language World

  1. What struck me the most about your post is when you said “All of the different people who have influenced my speech has made my own language unique.” It’s almost as if we have a little bit of everyone we’ve ever met embedded within our language. It may not be obvious, but it’s there …

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