19th Century Norway

After reading this blog post, I have learnt more about 19th century Norway.

What do you believe to be the three most important facts about 19th century Norway?

“Norway … became an independent nation in 1814” (Cron) which caused the upper-middle class to grow. The country became more industrialised which brought more money into the country and opened up new jobs and opportunities for the citizens. “A great economic boom” (Cron) happened in Norway which also helped cause the growth in the upper-middle class. In Norway, “the subordination of women in late-19th century” (Cron) meant that the country had a very patriarchal society.

Why do you think the concept of respectability became more important as the middle class expanded?

I think that the concept of respectability became more important as the middle class expanded because people had to “work their way up, and enter into the upper-middle class through hard work and education” (Cron). If people were willing to work and put in the effort to be in the middle class rather than just be born into it, they should be respected and treated equally.

Cron, Shannon. “Background of “A Doll’s House” | Theater 271.” St. Olaf Pages, pages.stolaf.edu/th271-spring2014/background-of-a-dolls-house/.

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