Talkin’ John Birch Paranoid/Society Blues

  • Dylan’s use of imagery… does it help him protest?

Dylan’s use of imagery helps him protest as it makes it easier for him to connect with his audience and to ensure that his message is very clear. Dylan uses many different images throughout the song to try to get his audience to relate to what he is talking about. For example, Dylan says that he got a “secret membership card.” This suggests that he believes he is voluntarily signing up for something that may be considered ‘wrong’ or something to be ashamed of and therefore it must be kept a secret. When Dylan goes looking for communism, he says that “[he] even looked deep down inside [his] toilet bowl.”  This is an exaggeration of the actions that he took to try and find communists; he was so determined to find what he was looking for. He then goes on to say that he was “sittin’ at home investigatin’ himself.” He now has nowhere else to look for communists, and therefore he has decided to investigate himself. He has found that communism is everywhere and wants to see if he is communist.

  • What is he protesting?
  1. The lack of freedom communists had
  2. The negative views on communists.
  • What would he protest about today?
  1. Global warming
  2. Climate change
  3. The #MeToo movement
  4. Racial inequalities
  5. LGBTQ+ rights
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