TOK: Ethics

TOK: Ethics

Is there a difference between where our ethical beliefs do come from and should come from (consider at least two different Ways of Knowing)?

There is a difference between where our ethical beliefs come from and where they should come from. The current ethics that we consider as individuals, community, and society may or may not be the same. Our ethical guidelines impacts the way we function, and impacts our intuition and emotions. Our the intuition aspect of things, what we consider ethical can direct what we believe in. For the emotional aspects of things, we may find different events trigger different emotions. For example, some cultures find death as a sad mournful time, whereas others may see it as a celebration and time of moving on to the next life. These are two approaches to the idea of death, therefore our ethics can impact different emotions.

Construct one ethical pyramid (like the one on abortion above) to argue that torture, or corporal punishment or capital punishment or promiscuity etc. is right/wrong.


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