CAS Plan

I’m looking forward to the activity aspect of CAS. I normally don’t do any activities in school because I am not interested in signing up to do sports because of how much time they take out of your week. I very much prefer an independent way of physical activity because I don’t feel pressured to do certain things meaning that I can do what I feel like I need to do to maintain good health. In order to maintain balance this year, I’m only doing one activity for each aspect of CAS. For my creativity, I am doing ‘Jazz Band’ which is something I have been doing for 2 years already, so it won’t be too difficult to adjust to. For my activity, I am doing an ‘Active Lifestyles’ activity which is focused around giving students an opportunity to do some physical exercise for an hour or so every week. For my service, I am doing ‘MINDS Tampines’ which is a service where you work with those who have disabilities. Although it isn’t many activities, I think its good to not overdo myself and only do how much I think I am able to handle. I am passionate about music, which allows me to merge my Jazz Band with my creativity, and I also have a large motivation to improve my health which merges with my activity. The biggest challenge so far is my activity and service because it’s after school. Although I have been doing Jazz Band for 2 years already, I enjoy it but by the end of the school day, I’m already pretty tired and I usually feel unmotivated to continue doing any work, so it makes doing it or even doing my service harder than it should be. I could improve this by getting more sleep so that I have enough energy to last for the full day including my activities.


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