
Can text ever be truly representative of groups of people?

I feel that you can’t ever truly represent a group or groups of people for the sole reason that you will definitely miss out some key aspect or you may exceed some other aspects of the groups you are talking about. There is too much going on in a group to be able to represent it perfectly. You may get the gist of the perspective but you ever represent everything on the text. As one people read it they may picture it completely different from what the author intended on even though the text is extremely straight forward. Which is why it is remarkably hard fully represent a group; unless if it is a smaller group.

Image result for double meaning images

Who gets to represent a group and who doesn’t? (who gets to tell what)

I feel you can only represent a group when you have been in that representative group that you want to represent. You need to have experience in what you are going to be representing, or else without any experience you will technically be representing a group with viewers or second-hand perspective, this makes it extremely easy for you to stereotype people and mislead others with perhaps false information. When you have been in the group you are representing, you have an internal and first-person perspective of the group you are representing that enables him to represent his group with maximum authenticity.  Which is why if you have experienced what you are representing, you should represent that group, but if you haven’t experienced what you want to represent, then you should not represent the group.  

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