

     Image result for indian mcdonald print ads

This print advertisement is from McDonald’s in India. It is advertising a McCafe latte, on a brown and red stripe on a yellow background and on the bottom the McCafe logo in its natural font and colour. This advertisement is unique for most cultures as it is mainly specifically aiming towards the Indian market and culture.

It starts of it the late looking, not like a usual latte you would get at a normal McCafe down the road (outside India), instead, it looks similar to a traditional Indian drink called chai, with its sprinkle of spice in the middle of the frothy foam. This is to make it more familiar to Indians, to make them feel more at home. With its light yellow background supporting it to also looks more appealing and give out a happy simple tone; almost the same tone when we Indians think about chai. That bright warm feeling when you think about chai is similar to the feeling given out by this yellow background. When other cultures see this, they may be confused about what drink they are trying to advertise rather on the colour scheme. As this drink must look unusual to them, they may be confused about what they are seeing, while it is actually a traditional Indian drink.

This print advertisement is from Roma trying to advertise their pasta, with pasta looking like famous monuments of Italy, and on the bottom of the advertisement it says, brings home the taste of Italia. In this advertisement, Roma is trying to set out that Italian vibe to make it appear more authentic even though Roma itself is a company from Ireland. It even says in text, “bring home the taste of Italia”. The word Italia is in Italian while the rest is in English, this is to give off the final Italian touches. Most other cultures should understand what the pasta is trying to represent, but some cultures may not understand the message.

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