Who owns my culture

A culture is made up of everyone in it, and also everyone that affects it. You can get someone else from a different culture to represent that culture, as long, he/she doesn’t pretend to be that culture until problems come along. For example, you can have a straight person to represent the gays, but mentally the strait person won’t understand what the gay person feels in situations such as the shooting in the gay club; as they haven’t experienced any of it during their lifetime. Which is why I hold mixed feeling about if someone represents a culture, who isn’t from that culture; as they may just be trying to help out but the moment the helping out gets active, they stop. Even if they don’t stop, they don’t mentally understand what the rest of that culture is feeling. 

Culture can’t be owned, as there are so many people that build up the culture, adding in even the smallest additions that shape the culture into what it is now. Which is why I feel that a culture cannot be owned by one person, it can maybe be represented a bit by one person but it won’t be a hundred perfect representation, but it is still appropriate for one person from that culture to represent their culture. Which is why I feel no one can own ‘a’ culture as a culture is build up by everyone who is in it.


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