Final EE Reflection

I was able to intricately explore the reasons why there is a gap between the rhetoric and the successful implementation of government policies, and the consequences of this gap – linking back to economic, social and environmental factors. Additionally, I was able to offer a balanced analysis and evaluation for every paragraph, whereby there wasn’t a section dedicated to one subject and would regularly have a mixture of the two subjects – making the essay strong.

One of my limitations is how much of my research came from secondary sources; this affected the reliability and validity of my information as there was limited transparency on the issue due to key stakeholders reluctance in releasing any information. A lot of interpretations were made to why stakeholders reacted in a certain way to different events regarding the issue; this is where my knowledge of economics and politics came into play as it helped me identify valid motives behind stakeholder actions – supporting it with in-depth analysis and evaluation.

[163 words]

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