Month: September 2017

Smaple Title NYAA

Nature Vs Nature

I think genetics play a small part in who I am but who I identify as is mostly environment related. Where I was brought up and who I was brought up with has played a big part in who I am. Genetics does a little bit because it makes my physical attributes and that is one of the major points of who I am.


  • How much as the environment influenced your views on gender and your own expression of gender?
  • I don’t think my environment has influenced me that much. But the way my parents have raised me have shaped who I am. However, I do pick up certain traits from m parents and my brother.
  • How important is your gender to your identity? Why?
  • My gender isn’t really a big part of my identity like when I introduce my self I say my name but I don’t say “Hello, my names Jake and I’m a boy.
  • How has it shaped other aspects of your life?
  • It has changed how I think about something but what I think is usually from my own thinking and not my environment
  • What has influenced your perspectives about your gender?
  • I have never really thought about my gender
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