
ADH Essay Refelction

The following are two things about my essay writing that I am proud of my use of inserting techniques and my embedding of quotes. Through practice, I’ve learned I’m really good at embedding quotes because I’ve demonstrated that I can show off my knowledge of the play and back it up with properly embedded quotes making my statement stronger. However, I know I need to work on spelling and grammar. I am planning to do this by learning how to spell words that may come up in the exam and learning grammar rules. As well as addressing the spelling issue with learning the rules that come along with them rather than sounding out the word.

Mekong Club’s Modern Slaves

When Matt Friedman cam to talk to us on Tuesday I was surprised at how interesting his stories were. One of the things that really caught my attention was the story of the 11-year-old girl in the Indian brothel. This shocked me as it is close to my age and I can imagine the emotional trauma associated with being in a situation like that.

He opened my eyes to how human traffickers actually get the people. I used to think that they just abducted them but after he explained that usually they are deceived into working for them or going to a different country with the trafficker. The stats he showed about how most of the “slaves” are made to work in production lines for the big corporate companies. Now that I know this I aim to be a more aware consumer when buying things, considering where they are made and the company that makes it history.

Human Rights Violations

“All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.” Is the right that I feel is being violated. I believe that the law system is corrupt and does discriminate due to different factors, such as race shown by the various shootings in the United States of black people who didn’t do anything wrong. This is really important because it is peoples lives at stake and these mistakes are going unpunished when innocent people are dying for no reason. The influences that affect me on this issue are mostly the school as I have been shown that it is wrong to have any prejudices and it is wrong to discriminate.




On the 21st of January, Grade 9 students were visited by artist Danny Raven Tan, a Singaporean artist, in UWCSEA East to tell his story. One of his quotes is that “We are all created to create something,” – throughout the pain, he has gone through he has remained positive. Along with his art, he is also his mother’s caretaker, who suffers from dementia. Before finding his way in the art world he was in building estate management, saying that he hated his job and the only enjoyment he had was decorating the show flat, this is where he saw the change in his mindset and decided to pursue his dreams. He applied later to be a manager at Versace and shortly after his interview. He was still waiting on the decision, Gianni Versace was shot outside his Miami home, just like that, Danny Tan’s dreams of working for a fashion company died along with Versace himself, and he had to move onto another passion.

Even after all of that, he persevered with admired determination then Danny opened the Tiffin Gallery in 2015 after quitting his job at Lasalle School of The Arts, his home art gallery located in Ang Mo Kio. Then he unveiled his art to the public in 2016. But back in 2010 everything changed, he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, of which the 5-year survival rate is 7% according to the American Cancer Society (Prognosis). Incredibly, it has been 8 years. Once he was told the news he did quite the opposite of what most people would do – he didn’t tell his family. Braving the pain, he told his parents he was going on a business trip and walked away without them knowing what was going on. When the students asked him “What were your parent’s reactions after you told them?”, he told us that he didn’t tell them. “What are they going to do, other than worrying. There’s no point.” was his comment that resonated with me and put everything into perspective and shocked the room. As young people in school when we have a problem we are used to going to someone instead of dealing with them head-on. Taking all of us by surprise, including the teachers, this made me realise that you are the only one that can deal with your problems because you and only you can help yourself.

His previous points really got me thinking how we respond to daily occurrences in today’s society. Things that don’t really make a difference are met with “Oh my god, I’m literally dying.” or “This literally couldn’t have been any worse.” However, it’s not complaining that defines us, it’s the motives behind the complaining and how you push through you will be remembered for. Through Danny’s life, he has persevered and is now accomplishing what he wants to, even if it isn’t supported by society. If he didn’t have his own struggles he is also his mother’s registered caretaker, who suffers from dementia. The fact that he doesn’t have a traditional job means he can look out for her while also providing for her. In his home gallery, he turns his struggles into art, often painting about things that happen or he sees happen to him. One example of this is with his ‘No.5’ line, telling us that his girlfriend was putting on perfume, he asked if it was expensive and she replied “Not really only around two-hundred dollars.” Inspired by his daily life he turned it into art and it is now on display at his gallery.

I think nowadays some of us lack the determination and perseverance that Danny Tan shows. Thanks to the various advances in technology I believe many people have gone soft, especially the younger generations, which leads me to ask “could technology be changing human nature?” It is a rare trait in today’s society but after meeting Danny Raven I am re-evaluating what I think and what I do. The idea that he decided to go into the art world even though the odds were very slim is something to admire and something I can translate into my own life and keep going as he has been through a lot more than I ever could. That afternoon I went into the conference room not expecting anything but a presentation and leaving with my mindset changed because now I know Danny Tan is hard as nails and someone to look up to.



On the 21st of January, Grade 9 students were visited by artist Danny Raven Tan, a Singaporean artist, in UWCSEA East to tell his story. One of his quotes is that “We are all created to create something,” – throughout the pain, he has gone through he has remained positive. Along with his art, he is also his mother’s caretaker, who suffers from dementia. Before finding his way in the art world he was in building estate management, saying that he hated his job and the only enjoyment he had was decorating the show flat, this is where he saw the change in his mindset and decided to pursue his dreams. He applied later to be a manager at Versace and shortly after his interview. He was still waiting on the decision, Gianni Versace was shot outside his Miami home, just like that, Danny Tan’s dreams of working for a fashion company died along with Versace himself, and he had to move onto another passion.

Even after all of that, he persevered with admired determination then Danny opened the Tiffin Gallery in 2015 after quitting his job at Lasalle School of The Arts, his home art gallery located in Ang Mo Kio. Then he unveiled his art to the public in 2016. But back in 2010 everything changed, he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, of which the 5-year survival rate is 7% according to the American Cancer Society (Prognosis). Incredibly, it has been 8 years. Once he was told the news he did quite the opposite of what most people would do – he didn’t tell his family. Braving the pain, he told his parents he was going on a business trip and walked away without them knowing what was going on. When the students asked him “What were your parent’s reactions after you told them?”, he told us that he didn’t tell them. “What are they going to do, other than worrying. There’s no point.” was his comment that resonated with me and put everything into perspective and shocked the room. As young people in school when we have a problem we are used to going to someone instead of dealing with them head-on. Taking all of us by surprise, including the teachers, this made me realise that you are the only one that can deal with your problems because you and only you can help yourself.

His previous points really got me thinking how we respond to daily occurrences in today’s society. Things that don’t really make a difference are met with “Oh my god, I’m literally dying.” or “This literally couldn’t have been any worse.” However, it’s not complaining that defines us, it’s the motives behind the complaining and how you push through you will be remembered for. Through Danny’s life, he has persevered and is now accomplishing what he wants to, even if it isn’t supported by society. If he didn’t have his own struggles he is also his mother’s registered caretaker, who suffers from dementia. The fact that he doesn’t have a traditional job means he can look out for her while also providing for her. In his home gallery, he turns his struggles into art, often painting about things that happen or he sees happen to him. One example of this is with his ‘No.5’ line, telling us that his girlfriend was putting on perfume, he asked if it was expensive and she replied “Not really only around two-hundred dollars.” Inspired by his daily life he turned it into art and it is now on display at his gallery.

I think nowadays some of us lack the determination and perseverance that Danny Tan shows. Thanks to the various advances in technology I believe many people have gone soft, especially the younger generations, which leads me to ask “could technology be changing human nature?” It is a rare trait in today’s society but after meeting Danny Raven I am re-evaluating what I think and what I do. The idea that he decided to go into the art world even though the odds were very slim is something to admire and something I can translate into my own life and keep going as he has been through a lot more than I ever could. That afternoon I went into the conference room not expecting anything but a presentation and leaving with my mindset changed because now I know Danny Tan is hard as nails and someone to look up to.

Gpers Homework Article

I agree with most of the brands and their placement on the scatter graph. But some I don’t agree with, Uniqlo is too far down on coolness and awareness for me. I like Uniqlo, the things they make are really comfy and that’s mostly what I care about. Some of the brands I haven’t heard of before like Lyft, Burt’s Bees and Nordstrom to name a few.

1. Xbox

I like Xbox and I own an Xbox. It is up near the top right corner meaning it is both high in coolness and awareness. I agree with this as I think that lots of people like them but they also listen to their consumers.

2. Tesla

I think Tesla should be a lot higher up on the awareness side and the cool side could also use a boost. Tesla is a very aware car brand as they attempt to save the environment by creating electric cars. The cars are electric which saves the environment but they are also supercars which is why I think that need to be higher up.

3. YouTube

I use Youtube almost every day at school and at home. It can be a way for people to share knowledge or entertainment so it is very versatile and as most of our generation use it I am not surprised to see it so high up. I do think it should be lower on the awareness side of things as over the past few years it hasn’t really been listening to what people want and has changed from an entertainment source to almost a commercial business.

4. Addidas

I think Addidas is quite an aware brand as of the release of their shoes made with recycled plastic from the ocean. I think that where it is on the awareness side needs to be increased as at the moment they are trying to create what is best for the consumer and they are constantly coming out with things that people like, considering that Addidas is the creator of Kanye Wests line of Yeezys I would think that they would be cooler to the people that rated them but judging by the results I don’t think that anymore.

5. EA Sports

I own several EA Sports games and I like them, I don’t particularly like EA sports as they only try to make money and don’t listen to the community and what they want. However, they have done a few good things. You can tell from the placement of them that this article is not recent as EA as a whole have gained a lot of controversy as with the set upcoming release of Starwars Battlefront 2 they hid a key element to the game behind a paywall and received lots of negative backlash from the community, which is not a good thing for the awareness of a company.

WF #4

Mukul Deva had an interesting presentation. I enjoyed it very much as he injected a lot of humour into it. I particularly enjoyed the section where he lead us through writing a murder mystery. As he said he was going to write a book with us I thought that we were actually going to have to do some writing which I was not thrilled about as I don’t like writing, but then he talked us through it and enjoyed it very much. His interaction with the audience I liked, in particular, picking certain people to answer and it worked great when they didn’t know what was going on, like when Arsh got picked and responded with “I don’t know” 3 times. It was really interactive and that meant that at no point you got bored for an overall effect of a really interesting presentation that kept me listening to a subject that I don’t enjoy. He was also really honest with us saying that he does it for money which showed that not everyone has to like it and someone who doesn’t like writing, like me, I can really relate to it.

Gpers Collage

My college has a few images that need to be interpreted for example the “sky news” logo was meant to symbolize that our generation will listen to anything that the new tells them even if it’s not true. Other images are of popular things at the moment like Little Pump (Bottom Right) and deeply fried memes (Middle left). I don’t understand some of the things in my college but I have noticed it around school like the hoodies, I don’t know why people like them but they do. Other things in my college include trends like dabbing.

WF #3

Danny Raven Tan has quite an interesting story filled with ups and downs. His story is also really inspiring as he never complained through the whole experience not even telling his parents to this day. Even after his dreams were crushed after the death of Vercase he kept going. He really has got a way of thinking that most people don’t have. He doesn’t hold anything back either calling out some members of our grade and not refraining from using any words that most presenters would shy away from. Despite this attitude, he was self-conscious of his scar from pancreatic cancer and eventually faced his fear and did a photoshoot showing them off spelling life which really inspires us to not be afraid.


WF #2 Marc Nair

Marc Nair has an interesting way of writing as seen in Plasticpeligo. He writes some of his poems in quite an ironic way and even puts some of them to song. Even after saying that he likes to write ironic poems. That makes for quite an enjoyable performance as you are entertained the whole time. He didn’t talk about himself too much but instead focused on his writing. I found his writing style cool and it’s not conventional. All of his books have photos attached to the poems as he said he likes to travel and I found that a different way to write poetry as I thought that the only way to do it was just with words but he does it with travel photos and some paintings. Overall this presentation was really enjoyable because it took something that I knew how to do, write poetry and really changed how I looked at it and gave me a new view on how to do it.

WF 1: Steve Dawson

During the presentation, we saw Steve Dawson present to us the 5 points of interviewing. As much as we wanted him to show him to tell us about himself, he didn’t. Instead, he wanted to talk about others the great experiences that he had and the amazing people he met. When he talked about Fernando Alonso he was very empathetic towards him. Most people would just assume that he was a mean guy. But Steve thinks differently, he understood that it was hard and decided to empathetic. Even when question provoking him to be egotistical, nothing. When he talked about Larry King and Piers Morgan still praised them for making it and never once said that he should be in their position. He came across very well in the presentation and even if I wasn’t paying attention all the time, throughout his whole story I was intrigued and wanted to know more. When he was talking about sports, as someone who likes sport naturally I was interested. But he wasn’t just talking about sport he was teaching us how to interview properly. Normally that isn’t something I would be interested in and would shy away from but this was different, I really enjoyed this story.

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