Update of School During Quarantine

At this point in time, I’m not doing any service (PPIS) however they are soon to update us on what we should be actively doing – both online and directly in our households. Other than this, the online remote-based activity I have been doing is gymnastics. Even though it’s just basic conditioning training for a shorter period of time, I do see the value in maintaining this in my schedule. I’ve found it really helps to make me feel like we’re still all part of a big team. On the academic front, there is significantly less stress due to end of year exams being cancelled, however, there are other submissions and pieces in place of that – that are dragging me down a bit. In particular, my eyes have been stinging due to looking at screens all day long. Nonetheless, I do like the flexibility of the online learning programmes, eg. being able to sit on my bed doing nothing at lunch. All in all, I’m doing pretty well given the circumstances and I hope my daily routine will improve as time progresses.

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