My Online Learning Space

For the majority of my subjects, I do my work in my room – sitting at my desk. It has definitely proven to have its pros and cons, but it seems to be working out well enough. It’s quite isolated from the more communal area of the house so I manage to get minimal interruptions from outside during my classes. I have my materials set up in such a way on my desk that I know where things go so I don’t feel too cluttered. For example, my pencil case sits just further back, and my water bottle to the left of that. I have been trying to regularly remind myself to stay hydrated because I’ve found that when sitting in the same room for an extended period of time, it’s much easier to forget the basics such as staying hydrated. Along with this, I have to admit that my attention span has significantly decreased throughout remote learning – due to a few key factors. First off, I think the whole concept of sitting in the exact same place (not moving from class to class) gets me agitated, so perhaps I will try some new spaces. In addition to this, my phone always lies right next to me, and I have found myself subconsciously picking it up again and again, just because it’s a distraction I haven’t set enough limits for myself with. I suppose then that I think an ideal setting would mean putting it outside until classes are over. On the brighter side, I light a scented candle in my room almost every day, and that really helps to lift my mood. Playing (mostly classical) music on a speaker when doing longer tasks has also boosted my working space. The last thing I would picture in an ideal working area would be a super comfy chair to correct my posture – keeping me learning with greater stamina.

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