Maths and Me – Start of HL Math AA

Hi, I’m Tilly and I’m taking HL Analysis and Approaches for IB. My most recent mathematics experience has been completing both the Extended and Add Math course in IGCSE which I found a good challenge, thus I wanted to take this course too. Although I am eager and excited to start this course, I am also a bit nervous as to whether I will find it a good fit for me or not. Nonetheless, I plan to go into these years with confidence and optimism. In terms of how I prefer to learn in the classroom, I would say I like it when someone explains things to me when introducing concepts, however once getting the hang of it I like to take on a more independent role. This being said, I also enjoy working collaboratively with a partner when solving problems. In fact, when I get stuck in math, my first source of help (after trying to understand it more on my own) is seeking guidance from peers around me. Only if these steps are still to no avail do I approach a teacher. In regards to my strengths in math, I believe I am very organised with getting my work done and self-managing. I also consider myself to be diligent and can be a leader. On the other hand, this year I aim to be more adaptable, creative, and open minded when in the classroom or doing questions. I also want to work on revisiting past material for more consolidation, but overall I’m very excited for the year to come!

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