Gymnastics CAS Reflection 1 (#LO4)

Yesterday I returned to gymnastics training for the first time in over 2 months due to the fact that I travelled abroad during the summer. Prior to entering the gym, I knew that it would be a rough session, and that it would be frustrating having lost much of my strength and skills. Although I have tried to maintain my fitness levels over the summer through workouts, I could tell that time had taken its toll and I wasn’t able to do many skills. As a result, I did my best to demonstrate perseverance and resilience along with patience in the sense that I knew it would take time to gain back confidence in my abilities. My coaches as teammates also reassured me that these things take time so by the end I felt confident that I could bounce back in time for competition season. This morning my muscles felt very sore but I know it’s all part of the process.

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