Culturama CAS Reflection 1 (#LO2)

On Saturday morning I attended auditions for ‘Culturama’ which is the school’s annual dance show case, encompassing dance styles from all across the globe. The past week I had been practicing the audition segment for Costa Rica countless times over, trying to perfect what I thought to be very tricky footwork. I was very nervous leading up to and during the audition as I knew spots were very limited, but I tried to approach it with a positive outlook. Moments before the video was taken, I told myself that confidence was key, and thankfully everything went to plan. I have recognised over the past year or so that although I come across as confident, I have a mild form of performance/public speaking anxiety in which I tend to blank out. As a result, I have taken up this challenge in order to try and overcome it and to apply it to other challenges in my life. Thankfully, today I also received an email verifying that I made the cut, and am very excited to see where the experience takes me, along with what skills I will develop.

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