#LO3 General Reflection

At this point in time I have already started all the activities I am documenting for CAS, and am underway in reflecting on each experience. Out of all the elements of CAS, the one I’m most looking forward to completing is Creativity, as this is the one where I can push myself the most. Although Gymnastics and Service also have the ability to shape me as a learner, I have done these for quite some time therefore there isn’t as much of a risk partaking in them. As for creativity, I have set myself up to perform in Culturama and potentially in a marimba performance. I believe this will provide me with balance in my timetable as I can combine activities I’m familiar with along with ones where I’m putting myself out of my comfort zone. Although I believe I have successfully incorporated balanced activities into my schedule, I am slightly anxious about this dominating my academic efforts. In gymnastics I currently do 12 hours a week which I find to be quite tiring, therefore somewhere in the near future I might consider reorganising my priorities. As a whole, however, I feel content with where my plans for CAS are heading.


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