Culturama CAS Reflection 4 (#LO1)

Friday’s Culturama rehearsal took place in the auditorium, and this was one of the more important sessions as it was our last practice before light plot which precedes the final showcase. Because of this, the dynamic of the group was much more fast paced than usual. Adjusting to this wasn’t too much of an issue as at this point in time I am familiar with each dance so I think my confidence in dance has improved significantly. This being said, at a point so close to the final dance many more detailed critiques had to be made in order to polish the synchronicity and energy of the dance. For example, I was told that each pirouette was not to be made on a singular foot but rather a turn stepping on both feet. I also need to sway my hips more clearly during the salsa so that the cameras can pick up on it. I believe that I am quite good at taking constructive criticism in terms of putting it into action however sometimes I let it drag down my mood slightly. I’m aware that this is a very natural response but I think one of my areas for growth should be approaching this critiques in a more positive way when looking at myself. I am also quite critical of myself regardless of external comments so this activity has helped me realise that a positive mindset is one of the most powerful tools when embarking on the learning curve.

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