PSE Notes and Reflection

How can we reframe our feelings?

Taking negative feelings and emotions and putting them in a more optimistic light. For example, this could take the form of stating you are excited rather than stressed or nervous.

What questions does this video provoke?

It is very important to remain optimistic in unfortunate situations, however isn’t there also a point at which failing to acknowledge the negative feelings or silver lining them is actually detrimental? Therefore, reframing feelings isn’t running away from them but instead facing them in the right headspace.

Self-distancing: we are better at solving our problems when we are somewhat removed or detached from them. Speaking to yourself or using the second or third person can give you better perspective. This prevents you from getting caught up in all your emotions, rather than the actual task at hand. This positive self-talk is crucial when faced with big events or exhaustion.

Optimism is something that requires active effort; it doesn’t come naturally for some people and not for others. Optimism can also be phrased as realism in that they both revolve around not blowing unfortunate circumstances out of proportion.


Overall reflection: Over the past two years, I would say that I have been through a similar number of hardships and setbacks compared to everyone else, but this doesn’t make them any more or less valid. For example, the cancellation of big events and not seeing unwell family members have taken a significant toll on my goals, plans, and contentedness. This being said, the pandemic has certainly shaped and affirmed my prior values and beliefs. For example, the importance of family has only been accentuated by travel restrictions which kind of relates back to the idea that you only truly cherish something once it’s gone. As a result, I feel as though I have come to greater appreciate the smaller things in my life. In terms of going forward in IB, my main objective over the next two years is to secure balance in my quotidian life. This means balance between academic focuses, an active lifestyle, and developing healthy relationships with others. As a result, when things go pear-shaped or this balance is thrown off, going forward I plan to practice optimism and positive self-talk in order maintain a good standard of mental health.

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