Cognitive Rehabilitation CAS Reflection 2 (#LO2)

After returning from a two week break following a period of intense COVID restrictions where service meetings were called off, today we finally reunited. A couple of weeks ago I had filled out a google form in which I applied for a leadership position in the service, and I was pleased to learn that I was allocated the position of Logistics Officer for the next year. This role entails planning events, staying organised with the service’s agenda, and notifying members of google meets and other procedures online and in real life. I will also be working alongside the two chairs of the service (Spencer and Aaliya), paired with the communications officer (Lila). As a result, today was primarily informative as the chairs who are stepping down briefed us on the details of the new challenge ahead of us. Generally, I consider myself to be an organised and diligent person so I don’t expect this aspect of my role to be too challenging, however there are definitely things I will need to grow accustomed to. For example, amongst my friends I am notorious for being bad with technology, so there will be many skills I need to grasp if I want to be able to serve my duty well and organise online materials effectively. Although I’m not a particularly optimistic person, I plan to approach the challenges that a logistics officer will face with a mindset for progress. I will also try not to refrain from asking for help – particularly from people already with experience. This is because in a service environment, the committee is supposed to work as a singular body, rather than tackle challenges individually. Overall, I’m looking forward to see the change we can make at Apex Harmony Lodge over the course of the year.

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