Marimbas Reflection 4 (#LO4)

As the release date for this year’s Culturama video was in a week’s time, on Tuesday we had a final rehearsal followed by an hour long recording session after school. Given that we only starting learning the piece two practice sessions before, it was certainly a bit of a struggle to get all the parts to fit together and to know the structure of the piece. This piece was also composed and directed by two students from the grade above, so their strong organisation and communication skills when put under pressure really helped to maintain our perseverance when finalising the piece. Additionally, I was supposed to attend gymnastics training at 4pm after school however because of the recording schedule I had to miss out on part of it. Even though this was rather last minute, I demonstrated my commitment through reorganising plans and attending. In terms of the actual recording process, we did a total of 5 recordings to get the most optimal footage and the highest quality take. This was quite time consuming however we persevered and managed to maintain a high level of engagement with the piece and each other. This is likely because personally (and for my peers as they’ve told me), playing the marimba is an outlet of enjoyment when I can really get into the piece. The skill level of my part was also not very difficult this time around so I was able to have fun with it. Looking back on the piece when embedded in this year’s Culturama video, I am able to see a good level of engagement in the piece and activity as a whole, displayed through indicators such as moving my body to the piece and a good energy level. I believe this part of Culturama was a large success.


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