Gymnastics CAS Reflection 6 (#LO5)

Since my last reflection, quite a few things have happened with regards to our team and the itinerary going forward into the next calendar year. For one, both head coaches Tiffany and Wayne have left, meaning that we have had two less coaches in the gym at all times whilst we wait for replacements. Although we have Coach Noel as an interim senior squad coach, the coach to gymnast ratio has really been thrown off balance. As a result, we have been granted extra responsibility to take initiative for our own training. This gained independence has taken place both in warm-up where we do strength outside together and both inside the gym when practicing skills. I must admit that without a coach present all the time myself and others aren’t quite as motivated to be as hard-working, and sometimes give in to the impulse to sit around and be social. As this is to be expected to an extent, I have noticed that as a squad, our collaboration has really come into play recently. Our team spirit and closeness as a group is already very high, therefore I believe that it has come quite naturally for us to regularly motivate and push one another within each session. For example, last practice we were running laps around the sports halls and some girls were about to stop, but I took upon a leadership role and urged them to keep on going. These gestures from everyone have really helped to build a positive atmosphere in the gym, particularly given that there has been a drop in motivation with no major events close by. This being said, there is a prospective competition (Singapore Nationals) taking place around March, and our head Coach Lee has asked me to coordinate designing a new competition team leotard. Because I have minimal artistic vision, our team’s collaboration skills have also expressed themselves through an eagerness to collectively design some, and perhaps vote on a favourite in the near future. All these affairs (whether be seemingly good or bad) have certainly unified and strengthened our team as of late.

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