Gymnastics CAS Reflection 7 (#LO1)

Last week I arrived back from a three-week long winter break which I spent abroad in England. To get back into the swing of things, my sister and I have done a few training sessions where we have built up fundamental skills again. Although these training sessions have been relatively relaxed, it has also come to my attention that we may actually have national championships coming up in a matter of some weeks. This would be the first meet I will have competed in for over a year, and to be quite honest my skills are not where they need to be in order to feel even somewhat prepared. I attribute this partly to my hip injury and an extended holiday, but also to my general lack of motivation to get back to where I was and progress further. As a result, I’ve recognised that there are specific areas of improvement that are necessary for me to work on if I want to be in a good place before nationals. For example, this means re-overcoming my fear of doing giants with the low bar and doing Tsukaharas alone, regaining strength to connect skills together, and pushing myself to get my beam acro elements without compromising my safety regarding my hip. I must admit that this schedule of progress had been moving quite slowly, however I aim to accelerate it as time progresses. Although part of me thinks this competition is another stress or burden to add to my life, I think I ought to consider it a perfect opportunity to reclaim my drive for the sport and to feel a sense of fulfilment when getting closer to my goals. In the attachments below I have included one video of my toe-on on the strap bar (which I aim to eventually put on the lowbar), along with a failed attempt at a leg-up spin on beam and a slightly better one taken after more corrections and efforts made.




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