Marimbas Reflection 5 (#LO2)

For a couple months prior to last week our marimbas ensemble was working on a new arrangement which is relatively complex. With many syncopated parts and fast rhythms, I thought that it might be a good change and challenge to play a lead marimba. Although this instrument serves pretty much the same function as the marimba I usually play (which sits directly behind), the slight difference in mallets and smaller keys along with being positioned in the front line appealed to me as a worthy change. I found learning the new piece very fun in this way, paired with the fact that my good friends from the activity were participating in the challenge with me. One benefit of this new role was that I didn’t have to share the instrument with peers as often, considering there are less people who play the leads (and some had switched to an instrument further back in the same way that I switched forward). This made learning the part easier, and practicing the piece in its entirety for effective. Due to the restrictions with covid, we are still unable to perform in our ensemble to live performances, so we directed our efforts towards making a video which would be displayed at the school’s annual music show (wavelengths) which was only able to house a few musical groups on the campus. Even though this wasn’t the ideal scenario, we put forth our best effort and produced a lively and coherent performance on screen. The piece we played had a really good groove to it so the whole endeavour felt like a good success. As it is now past the lunar new year break, we will begin a new arrangement or even composition some time soon.

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