Project Week Planning Reflection (#LO3, 4, 5)

As we are less than a month away from kicking off project week, a reflection on the planning phase of the week is due. We started organising our itinerary a few months ago with the intention of investing all four days towards a basic sailing course, however we hit our first milestone when our the providers wouldn’t get back to us. Upon contacting another provider in Changi numerous weeks later, they initially got back to us with a thumbs up, however we didn’t have enough group members to meet the minimum requirement. This was quite frustrating for us so for some time it created a bit of tension when discussing further organisation. When we finally responded with a potential fifth member on board, the providers told us that we left it too late. With so many hindrances to the planning process, we realised we had to demonstrate collective resilience and perseverance. With our first preference no longer viable, we put aside multiple hours to sort out our new activities which now include a first aid course, kickboxing lessons, stand up paddle-boarding, and a glass making class. Admittedly, our group didn’t strictly fit the guidelines in the sense that we didn’t check with our PW supervisor for every step of booking, however under a limited time constraint we took the risk and deliberately picked activities that are viewed as suitable and valuable learning experiences for CAS. We are yet to sign the final form which confirms our project week activity choices and finalises payment. For a lot of this process leading up to now, I had to take initiative to plan and get group members back on their feet, especially given my role as co-group leader with Hannah. With the dates right around the corner, I’m excited to put all this planning and team effort into action. I’m optimistic that we will end up having a very fulfilling project week.

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