End of Grade 10 Post

Where do you feel you really engaged well in the PSE Program – why and how?

Although I tried to use each mentor time as a place to dissociate from academic obligations and focus on more personal aspects of our lives, I found that I was most engaged in the ‘study skills’ and ‘career discussion’ topics. This is because I felt I had the strongest connection to these areas in my everyday life and could contribute valuable information to our class. Similarly, I tried to ask questions whenever necessary, particularly to experts such as our UAC.

Where do you feel you have really engaged with activities and what qualities do you feel you needed to employ? Give an example.

Along with continuing gymnastics as my primary sport throughout the entire year, I also engaged in ‘Marimba Moja’, and ITP Piano. This year in particular, I decided to open myself up to a new experience when participating in Culturama. I believe this really enhanced my risk-taking, perseverance, and time-management skills when trying to cater for all the other parts of my weekly timetable. Overall, it was a unique experience that I’m sure to repeat next year.

Where do you feel you have really engaged with Service and what qualities do you feel you needed to employ? Give an example.

This year, I decided to join a new focus group to further expose me to different types of service. Through my participation in ‘Traffic(k)-Light’ which revolves around human trafficking here in Singapore. I have thoroughly enjoyed partaking in change within this focus group, particularly because I felt as though my contributions were felt more close to home. As a whole, I feel like I developed my communication skills across the year as I progressively learned more about human trafficking and could present more valuable ideas.

Reflection over the whole year, how have you found your experiences across the year?

Compared to my grade 9 routine, I have definitely felt an increase in stress and workload which has also been mirrored by many of my peers. As a result, I feel that I have maintained a strong work ethic in terms of managing my time and sorting out priorities. As a result, I am feeling quite prepared going into my IGCSE exams and after the summer, the IB course.

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