Grade 9 personal statement

Grade 9 has been quite unique. As we had a different schedule, 2 sciences and we had no classes with our mentor class. At the start of the year, I was a bit nervous about what was to come because everything was quite different than middle school although some classes were in the same place others are in completely new areas that I hadn’t gone to before. I found subjects as a whole were more challenging than that of middle school hence I am now in high school. Towards the middle of the year, I felt a bit more comfortable as I was starting to get used to the new locations and because of this, I was more comfortable in my classes, I also noticed that I rarely went into the D block. Which I found to be quite strange because in middle school the majority of my classes were located in the D block as in middle school. Towards the end of the year, we had to take part in mock exams, I found them to be quite nerve-racking when reviewing for the exam and taking part in the exam thus making it quite a bit more difficult.


A highlight of the year was my expedition because I really enjoyed my expedition as I quite like the country of Australia, I enjoyed the expedition because I found the people on the trip quite friendly and also found the climate in Australia to be quite nice as it was a nice change from the usual heat in Singapore. The trip itself was quite fun as we were mainly cycling around Perth which made it quite fun as it was a unique experience every day. We were given lots of responsibilities on our trip which made quite challenging, the reason for this is because I found I was not used to taking part in tasks such as cooking and the packing of food which made me realise the skill required for these activities, during the trip certain people were struggling with tasks such as managing the space they had in their bag, so helped them and carried some of the stuff for them. The only thing I regret in this school year was not taking part in a variety of activities because I didn’t get to develop and learn new skills this year, as I did the same activities as I did last year.

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