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CAS – Art Society

Within art society, I learned about the importance of waste management and we did not throw away our paper at the end of the lesson. If there were extra paper they were saved and used for future lessons. If we needed to get rid of paper of we had waste paper we would recycle the paper. My actions have reduced the number of paper and have had a positive impact as the paper needed to be bought reducing the amount of waste paper and the number of trees that would need to be cut down in the future.  Art society has taught me to think about the paper I am using and try to reduce my paper usage. There were times in this activity I faced an ethical dilemma and debated using paper or not and decided not to. My decision to do this saves paper and reduces waste.  I based me. decisions based on the values and beliefs this activity has stood by throughout the course of the activity. There were times when people were wasting paper and I told them off for wasting paper and questioned if they were following the values set by art society.


CAS Project (ITP Recital) – Reflection 3

I did end up playing come together by the beetles for my drum recital however due to covid-19 restrictions we weren’t able to meet in person. We adapted to this issue and we instead ended up making a compilation of the student’s recitals to send to parents for them to view. Overall I found the experience quite enjoyable, and for the most part, I did withhold my responsibility of consistently practicing 2 or 3 times a week and meeting with my drum teacher to practice. And I think as a whole my project is quite successful as I did manage to play the song to my best ability and make minimal mistakes when playing the song. I think as a drummer I have only grown as a result of this experience, although facing challenges due to the covid-19 pandemic I was still able to overcome these challenges and meet the standard that I set for myself.





CAS Project (ITP) – 2

I continue the pursuit of my project and was resilient in my approach to learning as I continued to meet with my drum teacher even though we weren’t able to meet in person and attended online drum classes. As I wanted to improve my ability to play drums and my overall technical ability to play drums. What I found throughout the process is that typically I would lose motivation when starting a new song as I usually found getting used to the tempo and overall feel of the song quite difficult. But I found support from my family and friends as they encouraged me to continue practicing the drums and encouraged me to improve at playing drums, my fellow peers who are familiar with the drums would sometimes notice issues with my technique or my tempo at a certain point and would tell me. This was really helpful as they helped me improve at the drums. And I was also motivated by the idea that once I understood how to play a song, playing the song in its entirety is really enjoyable.  My commitment is helping me reach my goal of playing a grade 4 song for my drum recital, currently, I am looking at playing “come together” by the beetles.

Action,Reflection LO4


Art Society Reflection 2

I took a risk participating in this activity as I haven’t done fine art in about 4 years, I’ve always had an interest in art and took graphic art in IGCSE but when deciding to do art society I wanted to do something I different as at the end of IGCSE I was somewhat sick of that aspect of art. In one of our sessions of art society we had to sketch an image using 2 colors of our choice and I chose the clash of clans logo.  What I found difficult about the clash of clans logo is the barbarian on the logo is quite difficult and I found it very difficult replicating the barbarian. I think if I continue practicing my painting skills I would find tasks painting significantly easier and my continued participation of art society would only improve my painting skills further. Another thing I could do is potentially sketch the image I wanted to draw then I would be able to fix any immediate mistakes I made. I think I have developed my painting skills as well as well as improved my problem solving skills being able to create an image using only two colors and getting around that barrier quite easier. I know my painting skills have improved since this experience because we later had to paint a picture we took ourselves and I felt that my painting skills have improved since then. Painting is a very important skill in this activity as we paint in art society almost every other lesson, and majority of the activities have some sort of painting in them. I think painting is a useful skills to have as my family is very art orientated and I think being able to paint well is applicable to drawing therefore it could potentially help if I ever need to draw an image on a birthday card.

Art Society reflection 1

Within Art society we had to attempt to do live sketches of people and we both had to work together to draw a nice live portrait of the individual. It was quite difficult to draw people as they would move around a lot. We also had the pressure of time as lunch time isn’t very long and we didn’t have much time to draw the person at the front of the class. We were also rotating the person we were sketching at the front of the class which made time be an even bigger concern. Collaboration was quite crucial in accomplishing our goal as without collaboration it would have been quite difficult to draw the person if the person didn’t try to stay in the same position. In the future I could be a more effective team player when it is my turn to be sketched by others I could stay as still as possible to help others have an easier time sketching improving the quality of their work.



CAS Project (ITP) – Reflection 1

At the start of the IB program, I decided to take part in ITP and continue my pursuit of learning the drums. Playing the drums is something I have done in the past and the reason why I decided to take part in ITP is partly that I really enjoy listening to music and wanted to learn how to play the drums, and in the past, I was learning to play the piano and wasn’t exactly too interested in it and I wanted to try an instrument that was completely different to the piano. Another reason why I wanted to play the drums was also that inspired by my brother to play a musical instrument who is learning to play the guitar and wanted to learn the guitar.  I also hope to be able to contribute to an in-school ITP recital and play a grade 4 level song there as well.  I wanted to play a song at grade level 4 level drums and currently, I am lacking the skills and techniques required to play songs at that level. To do this I plan on practicing the drums consistently. I hope to practice at least two or three times a week. As well as this some challenges I have had in the past were performing songs in front of people, as I have stage fright. I hope to achieve this goal by practicing in front of my fellow people outside of school, and also my family. I have the responsibility to keep to the schedule I have made for myself to practice playing the drums and the responsibility to maintain my passion for drums and continue to grow as a drummer.



Investigation, Preparation.

ITP Reflection 3

Overall I feel my experience with ITP drums has been quite good but I have struggled with my commitment especially when returning to online learning as I found it very difficult to find the motivation to practice my ITP drums as I found it a lot less convenient to do lessons as the setup I was using to do classes was less than optimal, however, with the support of family and friends to continue pursuing my interest in ITP drums as they encouraged me to continue pursuing my interest in ITP drums. I would show my parents some of the songs I was learning and they would give me feedback on my performance and some new songs I could learn to play in the future, and would often give me positive reinforcement for what I was doing. My ability to stay committed to the activity allowed me to continue to improve my ability to play the drums and allowed me to continue to make progress towards the next grade of drums.


TOK family heritage

Dear grandchildren

I’m writing to you to tell you about our family heritage. My mum was born in 1967 and grew up in Singapore and had 2 siblings and lived there her whole life and worked in advertising. My dad was also born in 1967 and lived and studied in Australia and also specialized in advertising. My grandma on my dad’s side lived in the UK and moved to Australia before having my dad. My grandpa grew up in Australia and lived there his whole life. My grandparents on my mum’s side grew up and have lived in Singapore their whole life. My aunt on my mum’s side grew up in Singapore and moved to America after she finished school. I was born in 2004 and I have 2 siblings a brother and a sister, one older brother and one younger sister.

ITP Drums Reflection 2

Overall I have enjoyed my time in ITP drums. This activity is centralized around collaborating with my ITP drums teacher. The experience was quite enjoyable as the teacher was very easy to work with because he was always encouraging me to do be better and was generally very supportive, an example is the song “come together”. I found the song “come together ” a bit challenging and by practicing I was able to overcome this challenging song. Collaboration in this activity is crucial as it is a 1 on 1 session with the teacher and without collaboration, it would be significantly harder to make progress in ITP. I think in my own time I could practice more than I currently do as I feel I should practice more but I often struggle to find the time to practice the drums. Which  makes it harder to make progress without practice.



Knowledge claim: 

Researchers are often subject to a level of internal biases as they are always seeking  financial gain or to establish some level of name recognition.

Genie Wiley was severely mistreated and neglected by his parents until the age of 13. The result of her parental neglect was her never developing the ability to use language. She was removed from the custody of her parents and moved from family to family for a short period of time before being given custody to Marilyn and David Rigler. 

The issue presented here is that people are not necessarily just looking to act as Genie’s legal they are looking for financial gain for researching into Genie’s case.The Riglers gained financial aid for taking care of Genie allowing for some level of bias to take place, Rigler said, “Someone had to meet the demands of research, and someone had to meet Genie’s therapeutic needs, and I had both roles.””. A level of bias took place as he may have been motivated to be the legal guardian of Genie but he also was motivated by the financial aid displaying a level of internal bias, Marilyn Riggler tested on Genie on a daily basis Genie. This shows that the Riglers may have had a bias towards financial aid that would come with research.