September 26

“I Be” Unit Final Post


I am Gloria, a 16-year-old UWC student. I come from China, so when you look at me you would see a young Asian. I am very friendly and polite if you make initial contact with me. If you know me well, you would know my interests, and I am actually outgoing and active.

Ideal Personality

I am a speculation type of person, I am used to considering further and thinking about the possibility when meeting obstacles. It makes me think a lot before acting, sometimes I worry too much, but most of the time it helps me a lot.

Emotional intelligence

Embracing changes is one of the favorite traits I have, if people can come over difficulties and changes, they can be stronger and more flexible. I don’t want to let anyone limit the joy in my through the IB so that I can focus on what really need my attention.

Self Talk

Optimism is very important, we should always think positive, be confidence and engage in appropriate mental activity. For example, if there’s a test coming tomorrow, we should think that I’ve well-prepared instead of I can’t handle this, I am stressed out.


  • The heartbeat faster
  • Feel nervous
  • Start sweating

Stress can be a positive thing for us if we take it easy, just think that my heartbeat is helping me with the coming thing. Once you deal with stress in the right way, you are no longer feeling nervous.

Mental Health

There are many ways of adapting to stress, changes, adversity and so on, for example, talking to your family or friends, doing some activities or eating food you like in order to ignore the insecurity.

Final Question

Be optimistic is the most important I learned personally, it will help me to relax.



September 15

学习者档案 -《目送》

Chinese A Literature  读书笔记 — 《     目送 》


概括总结 精彩引文



是作家龙应台的一篇散文集。2004年,龙应台父亲的逝世,让她体味到人生如同“暗夜行山路”。此前,五十多岁的她,从未经历过任何至亲的死亡。龙应台说,有了对生死的经历之后,开始觉得大部分社会议题其实都只是枝微末节。于是在感悟与悲痛间写下了散文集《目送》。 “如果我在原来的家族,可能十岁就遇到祖父过世、十三岁祖母过世,还会有叔公之类亲戚的人际变化。等他到了五十岁,才上别人十几岁就上过的人生课程,我的父亲过世,第一次上课就是这重大人生事件。有些事,只能一个人做。有些关,只能一个人过。有些路啊,只能一个人走。”



龙应台清楚地意识到自己这个“台湾外省人”处境的残酷和荒谬,她在给大儿子写信时冷静分析自己的身份:“终其一生,也是没有一个小镇可以称为‘家’的,我是永远的插班生、陌生人。” 时代之剑切断了她和传统、宗族的连接,使她悬在半空,永远无所凭依。在经历了生活的起起伏伏后的龙应台愈发温情。也是为什么笔锋锐利、惯于批判外界现实的龙应台,在《目送》这本书中,开始对亲情作详尽感受描述,也开始对生活作深度的体会与思考,转向私密。 “作为父母的子女,作为子女的父母,彼此的身份,是在一生之中一次又一次的目送中完成转换——只是第一次的目送是成长,最后一次的目送却永别。” 




她1952年生于台湾高雄,毕业于成功大学外文系,后赴美深造,攻读英美文学,获得堪萨斯州立大学英文系博士学位,后与大陆读者及文化人的接触,使她开始更认真地关心大陆的文化发展。因此写作背景是在欧洲、大陆、台湾三个文化圈中。 龙应台的这本《目送》,核心就是慈悲两字。这慈悲情怀,体现在笔下的每人每物,流淌于各章的字里行间。





作者龙应台是一位母亲也是一个女儿,她看着儿子成长并目送他离去,从频频回首的依赖到照例拥抱不再回头。而对于父亲,她看着父亲的货车冒着黑烟离去,目送父亲的棺材送入火葬场,从生到死,而作者也从放不下到释怀。在母亲的视角儿子“一寸一寸”的消失,儿子离去时“闪”入一扇门,父亲离开的时候用词“没入”,表现了父亲的依依不舍。作者是一个心思细腻的人,华安是一个独立却有些叛逆的男孩,而父亲是一个贴心却有些自卑的人。 火葬場的爐門前,棺木是一只巨大而沉重的抽屜,緩緩往前滑行。沒有想到可以站這麼近,距離爐門也不過五公尺。雨絲被風吹斜,飄進長廊內。我掠開雨濕了前額的頭髮,深深、深深地凝望,希望記得這最後一次的目送。




龙应台写父亲的死亡,写对父母的怜惜和体恤,写儿子的离别,写自己的失败和脆弱,失落和放手。从牵着孩子幼小的手情意满满的亲情,到青春后期孩子与自己渐行渐远的背影,思及自己也曾是父母眼前一去不返的背影,从目送父亲货车的离去,到目送父亲的棺材离去。作者按照时间顺序娓娓道来。 鈴聲一響,頓時人影錯雜,奔往不同方向,但是在那麼多穿梭紛亂的人群裡,我無比清楚地看著自己孩子的背影──就好像在一百個嬰兒同時哭聲大作時,你仍舊能夠準確聽出自己那一個位置。華安背著一個五顏六色的書包往前走,但是他不斷地回頭;好像穿越一條無邊無際的時空長河,他的視線和我凝望的眼光隔空交會。


在《目送》中,龙应台明显地将笔触伸向了“人”的内心世界,用散文的方式,述说着生命中的悲欢离合。她娓娓的述说着亲情的血浓于水,与亲情离去的无奈与疼痛,但更多的是告诉人们亲人的重要与亲情的珍贵,“作为父母的子女,作为子女的父母,彼此的身份,是在一生之中一次又一次的目送中完成转换——只是第一次的目送是成长,最后一次的目送却永别。” 这或许就是龙应台想要告诉给我们的生活与生命的本真。 九月初,家家戶戶院子裡的蘋果和梨樹都綴滿了拳頭大小的果子,枝枒因為負重而沉沉下垂,越出了樹籬,勾到過路行人的頭髮。




文章按照时间顺序进行叙述,从华安上小学的第一天到去美国当交换生的十六岁,再到上大学的二十一岁。还运用了收尾呼应的方式,表现出了华安的变化,使疏远感渐渐表现出来。从“华安背着一个五颜六色的书包往前走,但是他不断地回头”到“我一直在等候,等候他消失前的回头一瞥。但是他没有,一次都没有。”同时文章运用了很多修辞手法,例如“即使同車,他戴上耳機──只有一個人能聽的音樂,是一扇緊閉的門。”这里运用了象征的修辞手法,一扇门象征着儿子的另一个世界,一扇隔开母子情感沟通的门。又讲到了目送父亲,父亲惭愧不想让人们看到女儿从大货车上下来,将女儿放下后消失在拐角,而最后一次是在火葬场目送父亲。 有時他在對街等候公車,我從高樓的窗口往下看:一個高高瘦瘦的青年,眼睛望向灰色的海;我只能想像,他的內在世界和我一樣波濤深邃,但是,我進不去。一會兒公車來了,擋住了他的身影。車子開走,一條空蕩蕩的街,只立著一只郵筒



语言风格 作者文笔朴实,没有细说大道理,但是不论是在场景,意境还是人物的描写中都透露出了人与人之间的真情。《目送》是一本生死笔记,深邃,忧伤,美丽。述说了父亲的逝、母亲的老、儿子的离、朋友的牵挂、兄弟的携手共行,写失败和脆弱、失落和放手,写缠绵不舍和绝然的虚无。她写尽了幽微,如烛光冷照山壁。 我慢慢地、慢慢地瞭解到,所謂父女母子一場,只不過意味著,你和他的緣分就是今生今世不斷地目送他的背影漸行漸遠。你站立在小路的這一端,看著他逐漸消失在小路轉彎的地方,而且,他用背影默默告訴你:不必追。
个人赏析 文中“我慢慢地、慢慢地瞭解到…… 他用背影默默告訴你:不必追。”这句话重复了两次,让读者感受到情感的冲击强调这句话的重要性,在读者心中绕梁三日。这句话前后作者分别经历了两次目送,立场转换一次作为母亲,一次作为子女。龙应台喜欢用叠词。 火葬场的炉门前,棺木是一只巨大而沉重的抽屉,缓缓往前滑行。



Chinese A Literature  读书笔记 — 《     目送- 雨儿 》


概括总结 精彩引文



龙应台的《雨儿》讲述了她与年迈的,失忆的母亲之间的故事。在这篇文章中,她感慨了时光的匆匆而逝,使原本熟悉的情感顿时变得陌生,感慨尽管时光的匆匆而逝,也挡不住那一份永久的情,永恒的爱。面对着失忆的母亲,龙应台选择的是不管母亲是否清晰记得自己,依旧用自己热血的心灵感化母亲已逝的岁月。龙应台的笔触及到了人心中最柔软的地方,哀而不怨。让我们感受到了浓厚的柔情滋味。 我坐下来,把她瘦弱的手捧在我掌心里,看着她。她的眼睛还是很亮,那样亮,在浅浅的晨光中,我竟分不清那究竟是她年轻时的锋芒余光,还是一层盈盈的泪光。于是我从头说起:“你有五个儿女,一个留在大陆,四个在台湾长大。你不但亲自把每一个都养大,而且四个里头三个是博士,没博士的那个很会赚钱。他们全是你一手栽培的。”








在《雨儿》中,龙应台年迈的、患了老年痴呆症的母亲是个老小孩。因为老年痴呆,所以吐字不清并伴有失忆症,以至于把女儿说成了“雨儿”,以至于至亲的女儿都不认得了,以至于女儿刚刚对她说过的话,她马上就不记得了。 第二站,搭公交车,红五号,从白云山庄上车。一路上樱花照眼,她静静看着窗外流荡过去的风景,窗玻璃映出她自己的颜容,和窗外的粉色樱花明灭掩映;她的眼神迷离,时空飘忽。








  我抬起头,摸摸她灰白色稀疏的头发,说:“妈,千真万确,我就   是你的女儿。”










‘你怎么会从台北来呢?’她努力地想把事情弄清楚。”  这里的为什么从台北来不仅是母亲的询问还是自问,作者愧疚自己为什么不在妈妈身边。







语言风格 天微微亮,她轻轻走到我身边,没声没息地坐下来。年老的女人都会这样吗?身子愈来愈瘦,脚步愈来愈轻,声音愈来愈弱,神情愈来愈退缩,也就是说,人逐渐逐渐退为影子。年老的女人,都会这样吗?


个人赏析 龙应台在《雨儿》的结尾处所说:“她看着我,微笑了。我这才注意到,她穿着黑衣白领,像一个中学的女生。”龙应台多么希望自己的母亲还处在青春年少,永远不老,这句话也道出了女儿不舍母亲的渐渐老去、渐行渐远,是本文的升华之笔,“我慢慢地、慢慢地了解到,所谓父女母子一场,只不过意味着,你和她的缘分就是今生今世不断地在目送他的背影渐行渐远”。 我每天打一通电话,不管在世界上哪个角落。电话接通,第一句话一定是,“我──是你的女儿。”如果是越洋长途,讲完我就等,等那六个字穿越渺渺大气层进入她的耳朵,那需要一点时间。然后她说,“雨儿?我只有一个雨儿。”















Chinese A Literature  读书笔记 — 《     目送- 关山难越 & 魂归   》


概括总结 精彩引文



文章之所以用《关山难越》为题,是因为龙应台的祖籍是湖南 而她随父亲在战乱时到了台湾,关山难越这篇文章写了她的父亲对他身在大陆的母亲的思念,以及对家乡湖南的思念。关山是大陆与台湾的关隘,难越就是说难以逾越,也就是说想要回故乡,但是回不去。而《魂归》讲述了送葬父亲,让他从灵魂的漂泊中解脱,魂归故土。 这一天清晨,是他上山的日子。天灰灰的,竟然有点湿润的雨意。乡人奔走相告,苦旱之后,如望云霓。来到这陌生的地方,你一滴眼泪都不掉。但是当司仪用湘音唱起“上──香”,你震惊了。那是他与“爱己”说话的声音,那是他教你念“秋水共长天一色,落霞与孤鹜齐飞”的腔调,那是他的湘楚之音。当司仪长长地唱“拜──”时,你深深跪下,眼泪决堤。是,千古以来,他们就一定是以这样悲怆的楚音招魂的:






《魂归》的矛盾冲突出现在如何送葬父亲上,族人提到的“三天三夜”“道士道场”“花鼓队”等都是湘楚风俗,它本身就代表着对逝者的尊重。但是家属的反对也是有道理的,他们尊重父亲的意愿,反对铺张,同时想“用自己的手带他入土”,这同样是一种感情的表达方式。在“仪式”与“感情”发生矛盾的时候,“规矩”和“传统”应该合理地作出让步。因为从根本上来讲,双方其实是统一的,都是为了表达一种“怀念”与“尊重”。  十几张脸孔,极其严肃地对着你,讨一个道理。十几张脸孔,黝黑的、劳苦的、满是生活磨难的脸孔,对着你。这些人,你心里说,都是他的族人。如果他十六岁那年没走,他就是这些人的伙伴了。 





文中对父亲的的语言有一大段的描写,湘楚之音是故乡的象征,也是父亲灵魂的象征。将司仪的语音和父亲的语音结合,象征着父亲的灵魂真正地回归了故土,点明了“魂归”的主题。 灰扑扑的客运车卷起一股尘土而来,停住,一个人背着一个花圈下了车。花圈都是纸扎的,金碧辉煌,艳丽无比,但是轻,背起来像个巨大的纸风车。乡人穿着洗得灰白的蓝布褂,破旧的鞋子布满尘土。





当他说闽南语而引得人们哈哈大笑时,当他说北京话而令人们面面相觑时,他为什么不曾为自己辩护:在这里,他的楚音与天地山川一样幽深,与苍天鬼神一样宏大?司仪的每一个音,都像父亲念《陈情表》的音,婉转凄楚,每一个音都重创你。此时此刻,你方才理解了他灵魂的漂泊,此时此刻,你方才明白他何以为《四郎探母》泪下,此时此刻你方才明白:他是真的回到家了。”这段话运用了正面侧面结合的手法,既从正面写楚音的“悲怆”,同时又借闽南话、北京话从侧面烘托楚楚音对于父亲的特殊意义。又用了虚实结合的文学手法,实写司仪招魂时的语音,虚写父亲念《陈情表》时的婉转凄楚。 花鼓队都是面带沧桑的中年妇女,一身素白,立在风中,衣袂飘扬。由远而近传来唢呐的声音,混着锣鼓。走得够近了,你看清了乐师,是十来个老人,戴着蓝布帽,穿着农民的蓝布褂,佝偻着背,铿锵铿锵吹打而来。那最老的,他们指给你看,是他的儿时玩伴。十六岁那年两个人一起去了市场,一个走了,一个回来。
语言风格 两篇文章用第二人称讲述,两篇文章并不是完全独立的,他们互相关联,只是在《关山难越》中,作者并不理解父亲的所作所为所感,文章中时常出现“突然”这样的词以及问句,处处表现出了作者的不解。而《魂归》中却是“当他说闽南语而引得人们哈哈大笑时,当他说北京话而令人们面面相觑时,他为什么不曾为自己辩护:在这里,他的楚音与天地山川一样幽深,与苍天鬼神一样宏大?司仪的每一个音,都像父亲念《陈情表》的音,婉转凄楚,每一个音都重创你。此时此刻,你方才理解了他灵魂的漂泊,此时此刻,你方才明白他何以为《四郎探母》泪下,此时此刻你方才明白:他是真的回到家了。” 父亲的一切举动都简单明了了。 《关山难越》:你提示老大:“问他的家乡有什么。”他突然把垂下的头抬起来:“有……油茶,开白色的花,油茶花。”“还有……蜥蜴,”他说,“灰色的,可是背上有一条蓝色的花纹,很鲜的蓝色条纹。”



个人赏析 两篇文章中都出现了一条蜥蜴,无论时代变迁沧海桑田,这条蜥蜴依旧如一,它象征着父亲的乡愁和执念。虽然父亲的人已远离故土七十年,但心从来没有走远过。这七十年的经历,在父亲与乡里人的眼中都可以忽略,“回家”才是最重要的。










目送(笔记)- 《寒色》:送别家,送别人。人生的颜色 = 目送

“千里江山寒色远,芦花深处泊孤舟”,家就像李煜的词《望江梅》也像文中意向栀子花,有温暖盛开的时候,也有凄凉凋零的时候。孤舟为自己,龙应台在很久之前就品味到,“我慢慢地、慢慢地瞭解到,所謂父女母子一場,只不過意味著,你和他的緣分就是今生今世不斷地目送他的背影漸行漸遠。你站立在小路的這一端,看著他逐漸消失在小路轉彎的地方,而且,他用背影默默告訴你:不必追。” 在这里她再次强调,人走到最后,还是一个人。


目送(笔记)- 《牵挂》:朋友也不是永恒的,最终还是一个人走。




目送(笔记)- 《为谁》:文章在孩子小的时候,母亲为孩子做饭;孩子长大之后,孩子为母亲做饭。龙应台的心态随着孩子的成长而改观,本来是母亲对孩子的无私奉献,孩子成熟后也开始体贴母亲了,所谓反哺。在龙应台在做母亲之前也是小姐,看着母亲干活,成为了母亲也成为了全能的CEO“女子本若,为母则刚”。儿子做菜的样子就像乐团指挥,指挥和总裁的共同点是都很有计划,运筹帷幄,儿子长大之后也像母亲一样成熟了起来。


September 8

Lion Befrienders games and activities with the Elderly Reflection

The aging population problem in Singapore is getting serious, and there are many elderlies who stay at home alone. Our mission is to accompany them through playing games and chatting with them to make them feel warm. Therefore, I was very glad to take part in this service and help the elderly. My goal was to keep my commitment and participate in every session actively.

30 September 2019 #LO 3

In our first contact with the elderly this year, I found that the elderly were very friendly and active. We entered the recreation room and did self-introduction and then some chats. Then, we watched the presentation of one of the members of the organization in the living room. The presentation introduced the organization and talked about our missions. We didn’t have much time after watched the presentation, so we merely played one game with the elderly, it reminds me that we need better time management. The game called Chinese Chat, the first person thinks a sentence, then whispers it to the second person, and then works its way up to the last person and see if the meaning of the sentence is changed.

I think they had a good time because I could hear their laughter from time to time and see the happy expressions on their faces, it is pleasant. It was the first time to meet the elderly and I was a little at a loss, because I had no idea what to say, after I asked their names and the name of their hometown. This is what I didn’t do well, and I will think about topics before the next conversation. My goal is to build a good relationship with the elderly through this year and make them feel relaxed and secure.


Reflection #2

I actively participated in every session, because I think what I did was very meaningful. I would feel satisfied to see the smiling faces of the elderly. However, I was also thinking about the real needs of the elderly. I think the reason these old people need our help is because they are lonely. This loneliness can be mitigated by children being together. So I think, if we want to solve the problem fundamentally, we should train modern young people to attach importance to the mental health of the elderly. To help more and a wider range of people.

– 27 November 2020 –

September 8

Karate Reflection

I have been passionate about martial arts since I was very young, so I learned many kinds of martial art, such as Taekwondo and Wing Chun. However, when I began to learn karate, I realized that it was the sport I loved. Karate is a challenging but interesting sport that not only keeps me fit and makes me healthy but also helps me relieve stress sometimes.

Reflection 1 (01/10/2019)

“Persistence” is one of the things that I think is challenging in learning karate, because just like all the other sports, karate requires a lot of practice, especially before the belt test, when you need to practice the test content in your spare time. Karate requires strength as well as skills, so in addition to technique, we also do push-ups, squats, and so on to build strength. It takes patience and perseverance to complete these exercises every week, and in order not to slacken off, we need to try the best to attend every session to stay flexible.

Reflection 2

One of my favorite activities in the karate class is boxing. The coach would ask us to beat a sandbag in order of color of the belt to test our learning achievement and practical ability. Punching a sandbag requires skill, because force is mutual and if one’s fists and movement are irregular, it will lead to injuries. I really enjoyed that because it was a great chance to release pressure.

Reflection 3

Karate works the arm and leg muscles by repeating basic moves such as blocking, kicking, and punching. This is what we do in every class. It is a boring process, but every time I finish basic training, I feel that I have a deeper memory of these actions. This reminds me of a video of a karate competition that the teacher showed us. I can’t help thinking about how much effort is needed to make a move like this without thinking about it. Karate need patience and effort.

Reflection 4

We took a group photo and it was hung on the wall of the training room when it came out. We all held a pose of salute, which had a very menacing feeling about it. However, I thought this photo actually looks warm, as we all studied together for a period of time and practiced (fought) with each other. This photo also reminds me of the collective, because it reminds me that we once went to Malaysia to take part in the competition together, and thus we all had the same honor. This experience of learning karate is valuable, not only because of the knowledge I gained but also because, I have tried hard, brave, I do not regret it.

Evidence usp=sharing


September 8

Culturama Italy Reflection

Culturama is an annual traditional dance and music performance, and I was in the team which represented Italy. I fell in love with the Italy style dance when I first saw the small piece of it, so I signed up for the audition. I was happy but a bit nervous when I received the email from my dance leader because I had never tried to dance before so I was excited about the upcoming challenge. Although I am not a good dancer, I am a persistent and responsible person, so I have the confidence to do well. I think this is an opportunity to improve myself, and I hope to become braver, try new things and meet different people through this activity.

Learning a dance requires time and energy, I am well aware that I am one of the members of the team, and I have to be responsible for my partner and the team, because my absence will lead to the incomplete dance and the lack of proficiency between my partner and I, therefore I actively participated in every rehearsal. At the same time, I realized my shortcomings during rehearsals, for example, I found myself needing extra practice because I could not remember the dance moves sometimes.

To keep my commitment, I practiced by following the videos shared by my team leader practice in my spare time. When it closed to the performance day more rehearsals were added on Saturday, and I was delighted about that because rehearsals were fun, and it showed the responsibility of the team leader. However, it clashed with my schedule, in order to keep my commitment, I adjusted my time table to match rehearsals.

I really enjoyed the rehearsal and performance, not only because of the sense of achievement but also the people I met. Everyone in the team was friendly and helpful, and I made many friends. In the group we helped each other, when I had trouble with doing makeup, they kindly lent a hand, and I returned the favor by helping them curl their hair. I also have some shortcomings, such as I should smile more on stage and maybe talk to more people.

I was really glad to take part in this wonderful event. I learned a lot through Culturama, for example, Italian culture, and it made me more courageous and optimistic. For me, standing on the stage sometimes makes me nervous, so I participated in this activity to train myself and it worked very well. This is a meaningful and unforgettable experience.

September 8

Drama Production – The Heart of Robin Hood Reflection

Reflection 1 – 24 Jan 2020


I used to study drama for a year and I became very fascinated with this subject. I like the feeling of being totally immersed in another world, to feel the emotions of the character, and experience another life. Drama is challenging, performers need to control facial expressions, voice, movements, and so on, and it is challenging to hold full control of body movements. Therefore, with enthusiasm for drama and excitement for challenges, I signed up for the audition and was qualified for the show. At that time, I was very glad to participate in this event and was well aware that I had to take my responsibility and do my best to make this show perfect.


A complete drama production must be contributed by many people: director, props managers, costume designers, performers, and so on. I was double cast so I acted both Sarah Summers and Ensemble. As a performer, my responsibility is to carefully analyze my character, hone my dramatic skills, and maintain good attendance.


During the six-month preparation process, I learned to collaborate and gained confidence in standing in front of people. It was hard to perform close relationships with people you don’t know, so I talked to people I worked with, and the problem was solved when we became familiar with each other. In the beginning, I was too nervous to perform well in front of many people. But over time, we practiced again and again, and I gradually overcome this problem. Even when I was facing a larger amount of audience in the actual performances, I was not overly nervous.

Reflection 2 – 27 August 2020

This was my first attempt at a big acting event, and I was actually a little nervous. At first, I was worried that my mistakes would drag down the team. However, through the warm-up activities organized by Ms. Bye, I felt more adapted to the team and became more relaxed, so I was able to cooperate with others better. When I had questions about my role I would ask Ms. Bye so that I could play my role better. Also, I never miss rehearsals because I want to keep up with the team as best as I can. Through this series of preparation, I was more confident that I could perform at my best in the final performance.

At the end of each performance, everyone would leave the stage singing loudly. Every time to this moment, I will be particularly excited and emotion, and a sense of collective pride springs up. I had a great time!

September 8

Cryptology Club

Goals and Expectations

Cryptology is actually about mathematics. By studying the laws in numbers and letters, we can resolve a seemingly random password. This experience was novel and interesting to me. Decoding is a computational process in which we need to maintain logical clarity and mental patience. In addition to using your brain for decoding, sometimes you use computer tools to help. It makes me feel that cryptography is in line with the times, and technology also makes cryptography more challenging. Therefore, I hope I can exercise my logical thinking ability and patience by participating in this activity. Moreover, decoding can easily give people a sense of accomplishment and confidence.


20 September 2019 #LO 2

In each session, we will crack a cipher on our own, and then the leader will explain the right way of solving it and then give us more similar ciphers as exercises. It was not as simple as I expected, but rather challenging. However, today I managed to break the code by myself, and I felt a sense of accomplishment. In the beginning, I felt that I had no idea, but I found the rule after sticking to it, I realized the importance of perseverance and I found out that Cryptology has something to do with mathematics. We will face a cryptology competition and I am trying my best to improve before the competition. My goal is to be able to learn as many decoding forms as possible and be proficient in using various decoding tools.

September 8

Equality Focus Group Reflection

In the Equality focus group, we aim to increase students’ knowledge and awareness of the LGBTQ community. We aim to create a safe place for the LGBTQ community. I will try my best to ensure full attendance and actively participate in activities and discussions.

Reflection 1

26 September 2019 #LO 4

We were divided into groups, each with a different division of labor. I was in charge of designing an exclusive T-shirt. I was asked to use pink as the background color because pink is an iconic color and everyone loves it, so I just adjusted the shades of pink color. The logo is designed by another talented member, I like this logo because it is simple but symbolizes everything.  The rainbow is a symbol of the LGBT community, it like a bridge to equality which is very creative.

The reason we made this T-shirt is so that more people can know our identity, especially when they need our help. This T-shirt is also available to others who are interested and we welcome more people to support or join us. My goal is to help others and also the group as much as I can during this year, I will be more understanding and optimistic, I will be a good listener so that I can learn from conversations and others stories. In addition, I need to speak more.


Reflection #2

Since I learned a lot through the discussion in class, I tried to increase awareness of my friends. I taught my friends in my country many things about this community, for example, the symbolism of the colors of the rainbow flag, pronouns…

After I talked with people around me, I realized that most of the people had no antipathy towards the LGBTQ+ community, they just did not understand it. I think for most people, the unknown is scary, so they do not bother to explore, and it creates a vicious circle. However, once they get to know the LGBTQ+ community (and many other communities like it), they will realize that these people aren’t that different. Everyone should be equal, and I hope that we (the equality focus group) can help those who think they are alone.

– 29 September 2020 –


Reflection #3

We are planning to make a panel session yesterday, and it was super interesting. We planned the content of the session, which will include personal experience sharing, knowledge about the LGBTQ+ community, and so on. We planned to do this session online, so more people are allowed to attend (not limited by the COVID-19 restrictions). In addition, online websites allow people to come anonymously, which helps more people to come without worry and ask questions as they wish. I am very excited and looking forward to this panel.

– 27 November 2020 –

September 8

Blue Dragon Reflection

Reflection 1

There are many people in need of help in the world. Trafficked children and women are among them. Ever since they were taken away by strangers, they may have endured hardships we can hardly imagine, their past buried and their future shrouded in mist. Through this student organization, I hope to let more people know their needs and help them find the light of the future. Living in this society, we have the responsibility to contribute to the development of it, which is my original intention to join the club. I hope I can do my bit to help the disadvantaged, so that fewer and fewer cases of abduction.

Reflection 2

1 October 2019 #LO 4





Recently, we are preparing for the upcoming circus show. The circus show is for the upcoming children from Blue Dragon, but we also want more people to come, so we will design and make posters, videos and other advertising publicity. I am responsible for the design of the logo and the posters for the primary school. If you are interested in a wonderful show, welcome to join us on 22nd November (details are still being worked out…).

Posters are advertisements, so I can use my knowledge when designing. My partner and I finally decided to make the poster colorful and gorgeous, because our target consumers are primary school students. The whole poster looks a bit messy and garish, but that is exactly what we want, in order to make it stand out from the posters. A colorful poster is more attractive than a simple black and white one for children and the colorful dots indicate the magnificence and cheerfulness of the acrobatic troupe. Hope it works.

Besides the circus show, we also arranged other programs for the children to have fun and learn at the same time. My goal is to help the children become more optimistic and look forward to the unpredictable future. Anyway, the activity has not started yet, we are now in the preparation stage.


Reflection 3

– 6 Feb 2020 –

The Blue Dragon in Vietnam met some troubles. Because of the coronavirus, they cannot cross the border between China and Vietnam. Therefore, it is very hard for them to rescue those trapped children in China these days. I wish everything is going to be better very soon, since this is the factor that we can’t control.