Reflection #3: Jazz Band

Reflection #3: Jazz Band

Learning Outcome: Challenge and Skills

For my final reflection of Jazz Band, I would like to focus on the learning outcome “Challenge and Skills”. One thing that I definitely developed over the year was my clarinet and musical skills themselves. Over the last few reflections, I reflected on the challenges that were faced throughout the year. But having faced the challenges posed by COVID-19, I think that ultimately led to me developing my skills as a musician. Playing an instrument like the clarinet, you are never really heard much in a band setting, like the saxophones are heard, for example. But having to record music and video recordings in smaller groups, this really made me focus on honing my clarinet skills as a musician, having to especially pay attention to time and rhythm, given that in smaller groups, everything and everyone can be heard. So despite there being challenges this year, these challenges actually pushed me to become a better musician and a better clarinet player.

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