CREST Reflection #2 (Final)

This project provided me the opportunity to learn a lot about my own skills as well as the science related to cyber security. I believe that this project was quite successful, as it met all the aims that I had established at the start. I…

CREST Reflection #1

For this project, I will be looking at cyber security, including passwords and our online presence. I greatly enjoy learning maths and computer science, so I found this topic to be the perfect blend of the two. On one hand, password generation has a more…

CREST Ideas Gallery Walk

Feedback from my peers gave me things to think about such as target audience and specific focus which is good, as it allows me to think about the general aim and presentation style.

CREST Inspiration Moodboard

10 Science Ideas linked to this: Mass production of technology Cyber security Use of technology in other industries (eg. sport, cooking, education etc.) Exploring the depths of space Efficiency of computer chips Power of artificial intelligence Access to internet connection Materials used to produce computer-operated…

CREST Pre-Project SWOT Analysis

The following is my SWOT analysis for group projects: Strengths: Analytical thinking Problem solving Weaknesses: Creativity skills Implementation of the whole group’s ideas Opportunities: Using online resources Potentially contacting experts in the field Threats: HBL might make it hard to communicate with group members My…