Initial Enviromental Issues Questions

What is the environment?

I believe that the environment consists of all living organisms. Human activity has been impacting the environment. The environment is the reason humans are being able to evolve, as we mainly depend on things produced from the natural world.


Why are some environmental issues more attractive than others?

Some environmental issues are more attractive than the others because our daily activities have impacted them. Global Warming is one of the most attractive environmental problems the world is facing today, that is why we are seeing many advertisements, protests and global awareness starting to rise on the topic of Global Warming. The burning of fossil fuels to provide electricity for pupils is the main reason leading up to the increase of global warming.

How do environmental attitudes vary and change?

As humans are more aware of the current world problems, we are reducing our unnecessary usage of electricity. Most of the public areas now have recycling bins, and some areas have designed bins unique to each material, e.g., plastic, paper and general waste, this could reduce the problem of the great Pacific garbage patch. All of this could have been stopped before if we were to have been more aware of how our daily actions are impacting the world in a whole.


Where do our environmental values come from?

Humans have been over consuming the environment and its species for a long time. This is breaking the natural cycle and the food web. Many insects depend on each other and the environment they are in. Deforestation is one of the main causes why many species are dying and migrating away from their natural habitat. Humans should act now so we can preserve the environment for the future generations, instead, we are damaging the environment for them. If we do not act now, we would not have enough food and water to sustain the growing population.


Are you an environmental activist?

Humans need to change their current lifestyle and preserve the environment for the future. We should be more aware and make the people around us aware too about this global problem. We could promote recycling, cut down unnecessary usage of electricity, save water and many more other ways of protecting and tackling the global problem.


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  1. I agree with most of your perspectives. Especially about why some issues are more attractive than others. I also agree with the areas where our environmental values come from. I also think your ideas for trying the conserve the environment are effective.

  2. I think that the ideas you have written and had insight on are well organised and well presented.

  3. I liked your answer to all these questions. They were very well thought of and precise. Especially for the last question, you showed me ways I could help the environment. I completely agree with your answer to the 4th question as well as I also believe that the environment is being destroyed and people aren’t taking vital steps to preserve and protect it.

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