Personal Social Education Key Takeaways #1

Through this course till now, I was able to understand my identity and my impact on the community around us, especially looking at the UWC east community. Moreover, I see my self to speculate ideas in a group, which I discovered in the second class of PSE. I related my self more towards this idea because I like to look at the main picture and the ultimate goal before doing actions so I can have a rigorous agenda that will lead me to my objective correctly and efficiently. This would also help me in the future when doing tasks like project week or the extended essay, as a plan that can be followed can go a long way to allow me to enjoy the most from my experiences. I was able to relate to most of the emotional intelligence aspects, but something that was quite significant for me was that I don’t seek perfection, this is because I understand that no one is perfect, and the best way to do this to be optimistic and be open minded. This would help me quite a lot in the IBDP programme, because there will be a lot of times wherein I would fail and face tough times academically, so if I would have an optimistic mind I could set goals and reflect, allowing me to improve overall.



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1 comment

  1. Thanks for sharing this Aryan. It’s good to see you reflecting how these concepts may relate to you in practical terms, and while it seems strange discussing them in a classroom on a Monday morning, there will be a moment in the future where you face a challenge or situation where it begins to fall into place. Project week may well be that time!

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