Project Week

Reflection 1, Planning and Investigation(08/05/2019)

LO7- Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions

As Project Week is coming up in the next few weeks, there has been a lot of planning going into it. My group and I will be going to Borneo, Malaysia, where we will be doing 5 days of service with the Tropical Rainforest Conservation and Research Centre. I am the logistics manager in my group, where I help plan the itinerary, communication with the service provider, transportation, and insurance on our trip. Hence, effective communication and organization between the service provider and us is a vital element in the planning process for everything to go smoothly. Despite being neighboring countries, there are various cultural and ethical differences between Singapore and Malaysia, hence as a group, we must be aware of our choices and actions as they may have a long term effect with our partnering provider.

Link to the planning document



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