A dolls house question

“A woman cannot be herself in the society of the present day, which is an exclusively masculine society, with laws framed by men and with a judicial system that judges feminine conduct from a masculine point of view.” – Henrik Ibsen 1878

To what extent are Ibsen’s words still true today? Provide real-life examples in your response.

Ibsen’s words are still true today as many cultures believe that woman should be left at home to work, and men should be the ones earning for the family. The female in the house are being manipulated by their husbands, they are not allowed to have the freedom they desire. However, this may not be true sometimes, women’s rights have been a major focus for world leaders, Malala Yousofzai, a women who got shot in the head because she went to school, believes that every women should have the rights to education no matter of their race or origins. In the United Kingdom alone 47% of the workforce are woman,whereas in the part time workforce woman are dominant by 3.74 million. Iceland was found to be one of the smaller gender gap than any other country, Iceland is followed by Finland and Norway. Country’s like Saudi Arabia prohibits women from driving cars, as the central authority believes that it might be unsafe for them. On the other hand, New Zealend were among the first country’s to give woman rights a vote. Muslim cultures strongly believe that woman should cover their face whenever they go out in public, and only the man is able to see their face. However, in their holy bible the Quran it states that “men and women have the same spirit, there is no superiority in the spiritual sense between men and women.”

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1 comment

  1. I feel as if the views expressed in this post are very much shared by people of ‘western’ society, especially people with an understanding of this topic.
    Religion is the main issue that one keeps coming back to…
    Interestingly, we blame Muslim traditions and religion for a lot of the misery in the lives of women globally, however, if we considering things on a local scale, there is a lot more we can do.
    We can ensure, that women a place everywhere and anywhere in everyday society, and not just exclusive rights that isolate them, but rights that conjoin to suit both men and women:
    The impact of Aryan’s post to a reader, me, is that I have a deeper understanding of the ‘truth’ behind the progressive ideas we believe to have about Women in society. We believe that rights are very progressive, however, I believe that like racism, sexism is deeply rooted in our society, like an alteration of the Genetic code, and for some, it may be difficult to escape from this mindset.

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