Dragon Ventures

Reflection on learning outcomes achieved through Dragon Ventures

Dragon Ventures is a continuation of LaunchX from the previous few years, in which we bring together aspiring entrepreneurs in high school with the resources and network to enable them to start real-life companies from the initial stage. Furthermore, we work  hands on with students in our activity from the ideation stage to designing the product and ultimately pitching it to potential investors. My partners and I were able to bring in our knowledge from the IB Business Management course and Economics course to teach these high school students how they can become efficient and diligent entrepreneurs.

LO 2 CHALLENGE (Undertaken new challenges)/ NEW SKILLS (Developing new skills):

I’ve never been involved in a entrepreneurial activity, so I thought that it would be a good experience to join in one and bring in my existing knowledge of Business Management in IB and Econs in IGCSE to a hands-on activity. Initally, it was quite challenging and overwhelming, as the students in the activity had only a brief idea about what they are trying to make as their end product and since we could not directly tell them what to do, but only guide them, was the hard part. Ultimately, everyone has a rough idea of what they want to do and some groups are even in the process of making their end product.

LO3 INITIATIVE (Planning and initiated activities):

Although there were already 2 members from LaunchX who carried on the activity, I took the responsibility to be another leadership member in the team. This helped me improve my self-confidence and organisational skills, as we were all in charge of making the course content and guiding the students.

LO 5 COLLABORATION (Working together to achieve an outcome):

Effective collaboration was the most significant part of this activity, as we not only had to work with the students, but we also were required to effectivly collaborate with each other as team members. This was challenging at the beggining, since we all had conflicting ideas about how we can guide the students through the ideation stage, but eventually, we all came to a consensus together that we would slowly go through the business plan and guide them on how to finish it and bring their idea to real life.

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