Morally Just…

“The religious leaders don’t know how to govern. They will return to their mosques. The proletariat shall rule! Its inevitable!!” (Satrapi, 62)
“Everything needs to be revised to ensure that our children are not led astray from the true path of Islam.” (10.10)
“The Iranian National Anthem has been replaced by the new government’s Islamic hymn”
I have selected “The religious leaders don’t know how to govern. They will return to their mosques. The proletarian shall rule! Its inevitable” and I will be defending why it is morally just as it is true that for many very religious people it makes up their faith, beliefs and it does dictate the way they are living their lives with having specific ethical guidelines and morals. This can affect the way they set the rules for the country by forcing people to follow things that are made based on their beliefs. Is someone of a different religion doesn’t agree with it, it makes it a very difficult situation as it seems that they aren’t doing the right thing however they just have different beliefs of right and wrong. The problem with religion is that something that is morally right for one thing can be morally wrong and seen as very bad or disrespectful in another religion.


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One thought on “Morally Just…

  1. Thank you for posting a thoughtful response to your selected quotation. It’s a shame that many leaders hide behind their religious beliefs in order to further their own political agenda.

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