Week 1 – 28th and 30th Aug 2018

I was cast as Young Martin in this years high school production of “Royal Hunt for the Sun”. At first I was quite shocked when I found out because when I read the script before auditions, I didn’t see myself playing his character. However, the more I think about it, the more I believe I am fit to play the part. I think that I could bring the naivety and passion that Young Martin possesses when embarking on the expedition to Peru.

I’ve never been apart of a naturalist play like this and with such an interesting cultural and historical significance. I’ve always had an interest in South American culture because my mother is from Brazil, but I’ve never lived there so I always want to learn more. I find the customs and culture of Latin American countries very beautiful and frankly quite fascinating and for this reason, I’m really excited for the costumes, music and the set!

By the end of this experience I want to be able to say that I was able to form some new connections with the people in the cast. I’m happy to be working with some of my closest friends as well as some new or familiar faces who I hope to get closer to. I think the challenges that we face throughout this process will definitely bring us together as a cast. Overall, I’m excited for the development of this production and can’t wait to see how it turns out!

Here is the website documenting the process of our production as well as some background information! These were some images taken during our first rehearsal:

In our warm up, we were asked to “do different wide, well-shaped full movements, as if you are in turn, throwing something in different directions.” We moved as if the air was thick and our movements were slowed down by it weight. It forced me to have more control of my body and become more aware of the space as well as the relationship between the two.

Our 2nd rehearsal:

We started blocking the “Mime of the Great Ascent”

Learning Outcome 1: (increased awareness of strengths and areas for growth)

In the past I think that I’ve only reached a certain level of intimacy when it comes to playing a character. I find it hard to give all of myself and be 100% present in a character which often means that I hold back. This production, I would really like to focus on my character and portraying them in an authentic and convincing way. I think it’s important that I really empathise with Young Martin because he is such a crucial part in a somewhat serious story and I want the audience to feel as though they can connect with as much as I will.


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One thought on “Week 1 – 28th and 30th Aug 2018

  1. What super reflecting Isa!! Love your commitment to it already.
    Also think about using learning outcomes to help you reflect so you can see achievements in the CAS learning outcomes too!
    Well done!!

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