Gender Privilege

In our first class we explored the roles, stereotypes and expectations of men and women in intimate relationships.  What were some of these roles and stereotypes?  To what extent are gender roles and stereotypes prevalent in your life?  


Gender Bias / Privilege 

In what ways do you see Gender Bias or Gender Privilege in…..

your family?   

I only have one sister so I would never know what the dynamics would be if I had a brother. I often find that my parents critique the clothes I wear and whether it looks put together or not or if it’s too ‘revealing.’ According to this opinion, they will sometimes ask me to change my clothes because they don’t want me going out with certain clothes on. My mother in particular often critiques my mannerisms at home and the way I present myself (manners: burping and other bodily functions, sitting positions at the table etc.) This is annoying sometimes because I am in the comfort of my own home and feel like I have the right to feel comfortable.

your community?  

Sometimes there are some negative comments passed around at school. Sometimes people use derogatory words, whether it be used in a joking manner or not, to describe women such as; sluts, b****es etc.

your World?

Gender stereotypes in the workplace etc.


During our final activity last week, you were given a role and asked to step forward when answer questions about self-determination, education, safety, etc.  

What role did you have? Where did you finish in comparison to others ? Why?   

I was given the role of a transgender male to female person. I finished quite far behind the other people in my class during the activity. I think this because I couldn’t identify with a lot of the statements that were being said. In Singapore especially, being such a conservative country, I feel as though it’s not as open to people of the LGBTQ community and so they might not feel the same comfort and freedom than they should.

In your view, what are the drivers for social mobility in society?  In what instances to do gender limit that mobility?  

I think that the mindsets of people are what limit the freedom people feel and the acceptance they feel in society. Traditional and more conservative mindsets often tend to be more closed minded and therefore limiting the opportunities that could be a achieved with a willingness to accept new ideas and movements. I think advocacy for social change is also an extremely important factor when determining the factors for social mobility. Without advocacy, how would people know there is a need for a problem to be addressed?

Gender plays a role in social mobility too. I think that because of the traditional mindsets that are somewhat common, stereotypes have maintained their positions in areas of work, home and society as a whole and has restricted the possibilities that women have to offer. That isn’t to say that women are completely restricted because of course now, in the 21st century, women are far more equal to men than they were before – progress.

List some personal examples of either experiencing or seeing gender bias or gender privilege. 

I haven’t actually ever faced any major issues with gender stereotypes/bias. Not anything that should be regarded as very important anyway. Only small issues like in sports or class where sometimes boys may perform better (but this is true!- biologically men are often more powerful than women so it makes sense)

What can you do within your community to combat negative gender stereotypes or gender bias? 

I think be an active advocate and good representation of what it means to be a man/woman in society which would be to accept all genders and people regardless of their place in society. I think that if this attitude towards people in society was more like this, it would be normal to see women and men compared to one another in a way that is more equal and not in a way that one gender is in a disparity to the other.

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